Title: Vitamins
Fandom: Lost
Character / Couple:
Kate, Aaron, hints Jack / Kate
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200 Warning: Spoiler
until the end of the fourth season. Notes: Kate is a housewife desperate. Lost (c) ABC, Darlton, and so on.
Kate cut the fruit into pieces and put it in handfuls, into the food processor. Aaron looks over his shoulder: "A good juice will do you good, love." He is still recovering from a mild flu, and the doctor recommended vitamins. Kate does not want Aaron to give those pills was not healthy before, especially not now. The recall concentrates of Dharma.
Press to operate the robot, and the engine starts with a deafening noise, except to stay with a resounding "croc". The plastic is hot: it is clearly broken, and something seems to break even this trifle into Kate. The rise in tears, and she spun around to give his back to Aaron, which is nestled on the couch, wrapped in blankets printed with the polar bears. The
enough to go out and buy another food processor, but already feel the angry voice of Jack, the vague smell of alcohol. It 'always the case lately - unfriendly, suspicious, ready arguing. How the hell did you
to break the robot? , will tell. "A salad you like the same, eh, Aaron? With a spoon?" Kate stammered, forcing a smile. Watch the appliance, and feels that in no way want to try to fix it.