New generation, new characters, new stories .... Well yes! This third generation will become a LoD and then up to you to choose the fate of our players ... thank you so much more in
The rules are the same. 3 choices, only one of which is just a terribly wrong, and the last is a middle ground.
so be very careful with the little nuances that you will find in each chapter, and leave little clues around that;)
Now please pay attention: to give you just a taste of this new adventure, here is a bizarre first chapter.
now so decided the hearing was closed ...
(I do not see complaints in the end eh ?!?!?!?!? I said no! No .. no! Help ... Ouch!)
many thanks to
January 1.5 January 1.6 Gen 1.7 Gen 1.8 Gen 1.9
Gen 1.10 Gen 1.11 Gen 1.12 Gen 1.13 Gen 1.14
Gen 1.15 Gen 1.16 Gen 1.17 Gen 1.18 Gen 1.19
Gen 1.20 Gen 1.21 Gen 1.22 Gen 1.23 Gen 1.24
Gen 2.1 Gen 2.2 Gen 2.3 Gen 2.4
January 02/05 January 02/06 January 07/02 January 02/08
Gen 1.10 Gen 1.11 Gen 1.12 Gen 1.13 Gen 1.14
Gen 1.15 Gen 1.16 Gen 1.17 Gen 1.18 Gen 1.19
Gen 1.20 Gen 1.21 Gen 1.22 Gen 1.23 Gen 1.24
Gen 2.1 Gen 2.2 Gen 2.3 Gen 2.4
January 02/05 January 02/06 January 07/02 January 02/08
I did not think could ever happen. But from that day I stopped believing in love.
roam with the windows down and the wind gently ruffled my hair. The June sun was reflected on the body of my car and my sister Rachel, crushing the car keys at random.
"Rachel want to be quiet?! So I break the "
" Phew, Dany as you are boring, "said sulking and crossing his arms to his chest.
was always like that with her. She did not say anything that could be nervous. My fault that I had always flawed.
skirted a playground and inevitably my eyes fell on a happy little family spend a busy Saturday afternoon dedicated to the happiness of their children. The father picked up his little while the mother stood looking at them, smiling.
I darkened immediately, and immediately returned to the memory of that fateful evening.
I was 8 years old, Rachel just over 4, and we were sitting at the table waiting for our father. My mother was worried expression, he was not so much delay.
But I do not care. I knew that as soon as we finished dinner courses in the garden, to make 4 shots with the ball. I kept staring at the clock waiting to see him enter the front door.
was hoping to hear the typical sound of the key in the lock, so we could eat and then dedicate ourselves to our usual entertainment. But as the clock turned inexorably more I realized that my father was taking time too. More minutes, more flowing and my father did not come.
ate in strict silence, while my mother and her phone number in hand repeated over and over again, finding the line permanently disconnected.
was the first time that he came home. It was the first night that he would devote himself to his loving family. He had an accident?
That night I slept with a strange sense of anxiety in my chest.
I went with my mind to this, as soon as the horn of the machine behind me, I did notice that the light was fired, so ingranai the march and pressed his foot on the accelerator.
looked sideways at my sister. It was a photocopy of my father, despite the colors from mom. Sbuffai loudly and tried not to think about, but it was particularly difficult.
Everything about her reminded me. I should hate it. For his appearance, and for his stubborn behavior, but I had taken responsibility after that night, and unlike William, my father, I would have completed, at the cost of losing my dignity.
Hair blonde over and over again I shaved, I clung to his sweaty forehead now. That car would need an air conditioning system. When summer arrives, it became impossible to drive it. That
battered car that I had bought after two years of hard work.
And here again the blind rage took possession of my mind.
I was still a kid when I started working. And all this is still his fault. Why? Why did he do? And why
Rachel insisted on not wanting to listen to reason? How could she forgive him?
nailed the first two blocks, as I used to do and I looked at staying with his hands still on the wheel.
"Here is a destination princess, do not be late tomorrow, or you know that my mother worries" I said back then to fix the road.
"Will not you come in? Would be happy to see you. E 'tired of looking at your picture when you were 7 years old. "
" Just do not treat us like lepers years ago. And you can tell him. I do not really afraid of him, "I said taking a serious tone.
She snorted in response and got out, slamming the door. I could feel the hate against William. I no longer even consider it my father, so sgommai not even sure that she came into the house through an excessively high speed in front of what was supposed to be the new home.
I saw a glimpse of blond hair with a small wren attached to the pants. In all likelihood, was the other daughter who had had his new woman, but I'm not worried in the least slow down, indeed, pestai his foot on the accelerator, then putting the fourth and then disappear from the street.
"Mom, but dad is not coming back? "
" No Dany. Your father will never return home. "
" But he's angry with me? "
" Oh darling! No! Your father loves you more than anything else in the world, but .. "
I walked away from that embrace of my mother and looked into his eyes. "If you love me, he must go home and tell me."
I saw her shake her head as her eyes filled with tears.
"I will never leave you mamma. I swear! "
"You're the man of the house now - I said, placing his lips on that blonde hair - I've always been," he added posandomi a hand on his cheek and disappeared into the kitchen probably would not see tears. The next day
rinnegai my father and cut all ties with him all he could remember. Including those so damn blond hair.
I walked into the driveway by parking your car at the usual place. The landscaped garden made me happy, all the flowers were a sign that summer had finally arrived. My mother was busy cleaning glass, which probably was doing the despair and the wrinkles on his forehead was proof. The tongue out so I did the other side of the window and she smiled at me responding with one of his typical silly faces. I clutched my heart to see her aged in such a short time.
Since William had left us, she had fallen into a depression and had slowly faded, despite his young age.
also the death of his grandfather Andy, shortly after the crime, had destroyed even more. It was found in a few months without a father, without a husband, and no less serious, without a salary that would help pay the mortgage of the house with two small children to load.
"I really can not figure out how to do every weekend to find the desire to watch it again in the face" I said, throwing his jacket on the couch as soon as I crossed the threshold.
speech "William" had always been taboo, but lately I curse and get angry, and since I had given my sclero newspaper, was a constant repeat what a person was useless and frivolous.
He looked at me raising his eyes to heaven. "Please, Dany. Do not start again. And 'his father .. and it is also yours. We apologized a million times, "he said puffing back to focus on a spot that was determined to remain attached to that glass.
me nervous when he tried to defend him. "It has never apologized to you?" I asked going to kiss her on the cheek and squeezing it tightly in his arms.
"Do not apologize to me," she said with gardening gloves on her hands pulling on a gentle pinch cheek.
Risi mean melting hug and looking wrong. "Grovel at your feet, my, those of my grandmother Sophie, and above all kneel at the tomb of his grandfather Andy. He killed him. Besides being a bad father, bad husband, and a person of shit, is also a murderess! "Snapped pushing a lock from her eyes.
"He had his reasons. Right or wrong is not mine to decide. Did not love me anymore. He was in love with another woman. "
I still remember the screams that night, after 6 months on the run. Rachel slept peacefully in her crib, but I heard him fall. It was the noise of the lock so that I had expected. But that night he hated. I was sure that I would never have suffered the most, and instead returned.
"I want to see Danny and Rachel" told my mother, you're probably already in my pajamas watching some TV lying on the couch.
"sleep" before she had simply said the storm was unleashed. They were flown to the worst swear words, insults and more daring.
"They are also my children," cried at one point William.
"Then give me the money of the foods that you forgot to give me over the past six months!"
I holed up in bed, I covered her ears with a pillow. I was afraid. My mother was a woman who every man wanted by his side, and he treated her as the last of the slaves. So I took my courage in both hands after several minutes to pay those screams, and a little 'for fear that Rachel went to stay awake, we stand before a man who knew more. Physically
was the same, perhaps I was changed. I had grown in just six months.
smiled when he saw me, but my impassive shocked him.
"You promised me you'd come back when we played football, and you're gone. You swore on your honor that you would not hurt my mother, and you made her cry. You said you would love me forever, and have you forsaken me. Back to the place where you have been all this time, we do not want you here, and then Rachel is sleeping ... so do not shout "I saw my mother
swell with joy while I, still in my pigiamone, I watched him looking at those eyes, identical to mine, something that reminds me of my father, finding only a stranger.
I never answered. I no longer heard her voice. He about-face and walked out of my life again. Forever this time.
Scacciai again so painful that I remember from memory and went back to lay eyes on my mother. Her hair was silver now, despite some brown wire from time to time, last memory of my grandfather, that his skin damaged by the time it had no mercy, made me want to go to resume Rachel and segregated at home. Our mother had grown up there, I had grown up. I was a father, a confidant and friend, but she preferred William, a man who had never been to me.
"Dany, no blame at all, and stop frowning, is your sister. I promised you'd take care of her, and you're doing the best. This should suffice. "It seemed like I was reading my mind.
"I just wish he understood that he has not wanted more. He returned after 10 years with a letter, and she ran into his arms. It 's a father to you? And me? I gave up everything to make it grow better. I stopped going to school, I worked as a nigga for what? To leave his house? No, indeed! "
" They were your choices, do not blame her. No one forced them. You're so young, "said posandomi his hand under his chin - you can still do anything you want. Resume to study if you want, we will not be not the ones to stop you! "
I shook my head, removing his hand badly of my mother, who immediately withdrew it. "You have decided to sacrifice your happiness, for that of your sister. E 'heroes. Few really choose the family themselves. Now it's time that you choose yourself. Do what you want. If you want to start studying again, Rachel and I'll jump through hoops .. deserves to be happy "
I went to take her in his arms. The rested her chin on her head and then giving her a gentle kiss. I had always made fun of for his height, but that day I was happy that he could not look into my eyes.
"I am just happy to see you both happy. Soon disappoint you again .. I just do not get too bad, "
" It 's great ... now has the head to understand. Ah .. I almost forgot .. Faith called before ... "he said making me understand that she ended the debate for them.
Faith .. my girl .. I did not know whether to call this. Her in her great beauty, often turned out to be a bitch like no other. We spent time together, often had sex, do not deny it. But I had the security of not being in love with her. The only women in my life were those of my family .. especially my beloved grandmother Sophie. So always sweet and caring, the grandmother who prepares us for fear morissimo biscuits constantly hungry.
picked up the phone and dialed that number now that I knew by heart.
"Finally! Why not answer the phone? Where have you been? "
" Faith, it's Saturday. You know that I had to bring my sister to my father, "I said looking up to heaven.
"Well can not go there with her legs? You should always go with you? "
The relationship between the two had never been idyllic. And the reason was the same for both. Jealousy. My sister Rachel did not want to hear talking about women at my side, and Faith, hated unconditional love for that little girl and stubborn. For more about the delusions of leadership of Faith, not reconciled with the way to Rachel, who day after day, becoming more beautiful, overshadowing my girlfriend.
"Faith. Please. Do not start again. You know already what I'm going to answer you. "I heard snorting from the other end of the phone. Then he sighed and tried to change the subject.
I really wanted so much to this girl. I was always was close. It was not all described her as a harpy, just there were several moments during the day when there was only her, and often to other people, could be bothersome.
I honestly only remember the beautiful words he had every day for me. The gentle caresses, which gave me in difficult moments. Those kisses that despite everything, made me feel good. The rest does not interest me. I needed a person to his side, who could appreciate me for who I was. Nothing. A simple guy, who worked in a garage for her sister's dreams of glory.
Only she was able to give me what I wanted. I had been looking for. Although often did not understand.
"I first heard Ted asked me this afternoon if we want to go to the beach. It would be an excellent opportunity to show off that new dress I bought last week, "
I nodded even though she could not see me. An evening with friends could not definitely hurt. After thinking about Rachel and William, I really need to distract.
"Okay, if you take a step 3 may be good for?" I asked
"I'll wait then. Do not delay .. Ah .. told me that her friend wearing a "
greeted her softly with his mind and ran to my childhood best friend Ted.
I remember most carefree I needed him. A country boy with blue eyes like the sky. He was always surrounded by girls, thanks to his good looks, but like me, had never given any importance.
And just because it is extraordinarily good, and perhaps also because she grew up with him, Rachel had lost it behind the head. Whenever he magically appeared at his door to greet her, his eyes took a shine, and a faint blush stains the cheeks, but as I often confided to him was but a little sister. Adored her, but could never take advantage of her, as he had done. So between the two over the years had set up a sweet friendship, but nothing more.
often happened that when they return from the workshop Ted stopped to help her do math, he found it sweet when he was studying, he kept repeating. She intimidated, accepted, and often found themselves talking about school and boys, rather than study, so the vows of my sister in that matter, continued to remain low. But she liked it. Next to him simply to talk, made her happy. He knew he could never get it, and had accepted him. He just might dream at night, and to imagine a life with him.
So smiles at the thought of knowing the new girl. You could say that it changed in a week. I was really intrigued. Usually the girls had an intoxicating beauty, but also empty. Maybe it was a way to release tension. He too had lost his father many years before, and for that reason I could perfectly understand every decision. He, unlike me, But do not stare, looking for true love .. or so they say. Believe it. He knew that sooner or later the woman of his dreams would have appeared, making him completely lose her.
Often when she found herself saying ste crap, I watched him laughing, but maybe, deep down, a little 'we had hoped too.
quickly ate a sandwich, I put on the costume and the Faith schizzai home, ready to wait for hours and hours ..
He lived in a residential area very nice. His apartment was always kept with care since he was too gone to live alone, but did not take account of his closet .. was really the thing I had disordered ever seen, but, as I always said "the disorder, had an order all its own." Bah those who understand women.
parked in the driveway turned into a parking lot below his house, put my headphones on my ipod and I began to listen to that song so old. Me dad always sang when I was little, was the only thing that I was not able to remove him ...
In the town where I was Born, Lived in
Man Who Sailed to sea, And he
Told us Of His Life,
In the land of Submarines,
So we Sailed in to the sun,
Till we found the sea green,
And We Lived Beneath the Waves, In Our
yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
As we live a life of ease
Every one of us has all we need,
Sky of blue, and sea green,
In our yellow submarine.
We all live in yellow submarine,
yellow submarine, yellow submarine,
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine
, yellow submarine.
We all live in yellow submarine, yellow submarine
, yellow submarine,
We all live in yellow submarine, yellow submarine
, yellow submarine.
Even I noticed they got out of the car and that I walked up the stairs.
Faith When I opened the door in bra and panties and winked at me, smiled at her just down the face. I was doing
wait .. that she was expecting me. I went pushing that usual bunch that started to bother me, and took her in his arms resting my lips to hers, and slowly, with one hand (one hand ?!?!?! O__O Did you practice with the pillow as a child? ) undid the bra making that annoying lying on the couch, and we became a thing alone.
"You know mom, I met a girl in the shop today!"
"But Danny is fantastic! What is it called? "
" Faith. Faith Backness .. had taken the car for an oil change, and do not know how we ended up drinking one of those coffee bars that terrible corner .. E 'was really the worst coffee of my life, and I do not know how, but .. Well I think I have an appointment tomorrow morning! "
" Honey! You're an amazing guy, I'm sure you will do good to get out a bit 'with some girl. You need to get a little 'and take some time for yourself .. "I smiled sincerely and
fiondai me in that I was waiting for his embrace.
"The'd definitely - whispered in my ear - like you all ..."
I got up from sofa covered to go to the bathroom, trying not to think of that first terrible event that had passed me and Faith.
"Damn Rachel, come out of that bath I'm late!" I screamed loudly knocking at the door of the bathroom.
"Dany Go to hell! I also have to go out tonight! "
Damn you! I was already late and I had to reach the other side of town. I took my jacket and driving a car fiondai tablet to achieve that beautiful girl who wanted to spend a wonderful evening with me ...
Everything went wrong ... I arrived two hours late after washing, and taking a penalty for speeding, when he finally arrived in desitnazione, in running toward her, stumbled and landed directly in a puddle, dragging behind her as well ...
"Shit .. sorry .. Faith please .. ... I am a disaster. Did I hurt you? "
But suddenly she laughed. "Yes, you were really a mess .. a bad first date! If I were not so cute I'd go Come let us go up immediately ... so I change and you give yourself cleaned up, "he said taking my hand.
made me sit on the couch, not before it promptly uncovered, then sat down beside me, laughing. "Want a drink? I have water, water .. and if I'm not mistaken even water .. "
" Maybe a glass of water, "said picchietandomi the head with his hand.
I was ashamed as a thief .. what I did with that girl in his apartment? And most of all because she was still so nice to me despite the poor showing of just before?
I sat next to a glass filled with sparkling water that I tried to throw to calm down, but she moved closer
... "Then Daniel Peer. I tell you? "Whispered just
" Dany Dany Josef ... .. my name now, "I replied looking into her eyes.
"Ok .. Dany Josef ... who are you, apart from one of the most talented mechanics that are in town? "Asked laid his hand on his shoulder.
I put the glass on the table elegantly arranged in front of me, and slowly put my hand on my cheek and kissed her.
I was afraid that they pulled back. I was expecting a slap at any moment. I closed my eyes for that reason, but unexpectedly she returned the kiss and put us more passion, so I had to keep his pace.
Soon our clothes were scattered throughout the room and we, lying on the ground with a glass of water spilled over the entire carpet, we experience a whole new relationship .. for both
"For a change we're late - Faith told me, embracing me from behind joining me in the bathroom -
rimanessimo here but if I, you, the music and maybe a glass of chilled wine? & Rdquo ;
The prospect actually lured me, but also spend some 'time with Ted I would have liked
... What was I supposed to do?
And now it's up to you .. the first question appears to be easy ... right? What must our Dany? Scenario A
Staying in the apartment Faith, and spend the afternoon at the base, with kisses, caresses and lots .. but lots of sex.
After Ted can be seen again. If he does not take if you do not see it. Will surely have other opportunities to meet, and if you do not know the new girl will always know after that right? One is the other. And then there are also other friends. Certainly will not be alone.
Scenario B
With Faith can spend the rest of the evening, this afternoon I want to dedicate to his friends. He wants to go to the beach in the heat stifling. He's only two days off a week, and at least one, wants to dedicate himself and his needs .. had a strong desire to see his friends, and then wonder about this mysterious new girl, so that we can discuss it with his mate Ted revelry.
Scenario C
He wants to go to the beach, but he also wants to spend some 'time with Faith .. ok more than willing to pass the time, wants to have sex. He'll be a while 'there, then reach others. And if you do not want to follow Faith, patience. In the background is already satisfying enough for that afternoon.