Dreadful sorry, Clementine [Clementine, Sawyer - Lost] Title:
Dreadful sorry, Clementine
Fandom: Lost
Character / Couple: Clementine, Sawyer
Rating: G
Word Count: ~ 1600 Warning:
Future! Fic
Lost (c) ABC, Darlton, and so on.
Oh my darling, oh my darling, Oh my darling Clementine
You are lost and gone forever, Dreadful sorry, Clementine.
Clementine Phillips is allowed five minutes alone before crossing the park quickly it is always recommended as the mother (not to listen to strangers, do not accept passes, etc.). It 's a small transgression, however, disappear when you get home, because for sure the teacher, or perhaps the principal, has telephoned to report the crime. And the bad thing is that it is not the first time.
Clementine, sitting on the bench, stretches to the tip of the shoes rubbing on the ground, lifting the gravel driveway. Look at the scratches on his arm. Took them. But it has also given enough to take her to blame the whole thing, when Bethany was that stupid to begin with, she and her shrill voice you can not write an essay about your dad! You do not have a daddy!
. If she did not deserve a punch, then who?
Technically, then, not even his father had Bethany. Of course, lived in St. Louis and saw him once a month or so, but in the end, what difference did it make?
It is all right, think of Clementine with tears in his eyes. At least the father of Bethany had a face and a name. And another classmate, Bobby, he was without a father, but he had two moms, and then stood back, right?
Clementine rolls his eyes and then close them for the tears do not fall. If there's anything he hates is to do the frignona. Why do not you understand the other?
("Madam, begin to worry. Your daughter should learn to use words before raising their hands, anyway. On like this and we will take action. ")
Yes, of course, right.
They want her to be one of those giggling with her hand over her mouth and whispered in his ear as soon as the teacher turns her back. girls.
But those are always the free, think Clementine, with anger - an anger that most of the great forgotten, under the illusion that it is impossible for a person so young and naive feelings so strong. violent.
Great paint children's rooms with Winnie the Pooh and pastel colors when Clementine would like to see us pirates, ships, knights. Clementine think in technicolor and when the time is now drawing consumers from what they would like crayons on paper. Always fantastic adventure in some faraway land eCassidy, his mother, can never rise from the face of the thin aura of apprehension. Now, now I open my eyes, think of Clementine. Count to three.
The man is standing in front of her, a few steps away, which looks as if he had seen an African gazelle in the center, between disbelief and amazement. Or is the opposite - it seems he catapulted the animal of the savannah in the middle of civilization, prove the thin layer of dirt on his shirt, long hair and a bit 'ruffled.
"Clementine," he says, his voice rough. The girl blinked. Sente, flebilissima, the voice of his mother warns predators, thieves, pedophiles. It 's too busy to have a revelation, because you look in the mirror every morning when you wash your face, and that which is right in front of his face reshaped over that of an adult man.
The breath died in his throat.
"Clementine" the man repeated "I'm James. I'm your daddy."
Every precaution, any second thoughts: everything is sputtering, and Clementine has rocketed down the bench, straight into the arms of his father. And 'hot, and knows of grass and leaves, and salt, and his heart pounding.
"Daddy," she says, her face buried in Sawyer's shirt. "Daddy, Daddy."
felt a hand stroke her head, big, reassuring.
"Once again we sit, Clementine, will you? So you can tell me everything that I missed over the years." He takes her by the shoulders, and she looks into his eyes, as blue as his own. "I'm sorry I left, wren."
If you could, Clementine urlerebbe the world his happiness more, I'd floating two feet off the ground, but he says, flying high on people's homes as Peter Pan. But is content to take the hand of his father and take him on the bench, is just as miraculous.
He tells him everything that comes to mind, the holiday has done and will do that, its animals, and when it ends the arguments he urges going. If you have the right people before, Clementine
knows a lot about, and who is most righteous of his father? The child continues his monologue in a rush, and he nods, and smiles, and never take his eyes off her until he says:
"Those scratches. Like you, they're made?"
"Ah, these," says Clementine examining the forearm "I made them Bethany. E 'in class with me. He says you do not exist. "He smiles the small dimples are formed around the mouth." Tomorrow I'll take you to school and I'll show. "
Sawyer looks away, glancing beyond the driveway, where pensioners rest on the benches, who read the newspaper, some chatting, some looking at the landscape. "I mean, you scratched to reiterate the concept that I do not exist?"
"Well, here," said Clementine, hesitating - he is ashamed, but it would be
bad lie to his dad the first time I saw him "actually scratched me because I gave her a fist. She kept saying that I could not write an essay on someone who does not exist, and then I silence her. "
" Well, you took her but you also have dates. "
" Yes, "said Clementine, becoming tiny.
" Do not tell anyone I told you, but you did well , wren "laughs Sawyer" and so you wrote a theme? About me? "
" Yes! Watch "trilla Clementine, obscenely happy again, because his dad as he had always wanted, and pulls the bag out of the crumpled sheet which bears the inscription my family. CLEMENTINEPHILLIPS A, and then: My
Mom called Cassidy, is very beautiful and she lives with me in a white house in Lincoln Street. We have a cat (Pablo), a bunny (Jasper) and two canaries (Bill and Bill).
My dad is an explorer. For many years it is around the world to places where no man has gone before, like Robinson. The farthest I know is Australia but I'm sure my dad has gone even farther.
And below, a drawing by the thick contours: you, Cassidy, and Sawyer as similar to what would be expected. The Sawyer in the flesh is a bit 'in silence, watching the paper. He says, sounding slightly forced:
"It 's a beautiful theme. And a great picture, chick. As an adult you can do both the writer and the artist."
"And what do you do, Daddy?" I said well, you do the explorer? "
"That 's what you told your mother?"
"No. I understand it. Only the explorers are away so long."
Sawyer says nothing. Merely to take the head of Clementine and appoggiarsela chest, rocking a bit ', and the mother does this when she is sad, but this is not the case. Clementine would almost say to you, dad. It is not for not crying. And then he says something strange:
"I'm so sorry, Clementine."
Clementine looks up, looks at it from below, not understanding. He sees only that Sawyer has shining eyes, and realizes that there is a person in front of them, one of the elderly gentlemen who were sitting on benches around it.
"It 's time to go, James."
"A little, 'Jack," says Sawyer, the harshness of his voice cracked slightly. Clementine clings to his shirt, her little fingers that are planted in the flesh.
"Go where, Dad? Not come home with me?" She had not even crossed the antechamber of the brain that would not have done.
"Unfortunately, your dad is already on the road, Clementine," says Christian Shephard with a benevolent smile but not the console at all. "To come here and we had to take a detour. But we can not stop. In fact, the time flows only forward, "he concludes, looking at Sawyer, whose chest has a start - perhaps a sarcastic laugh, maybe a hiccup.
" Yeah, and who am I to give me an exception? "he says, returning to a Christian view hostile. loosens the embrace in which squeezed Clementine. "This gentleman is right. I was hoping to be a little 'more, but I greet you, shorty. "He takes his hands in hers." Hard knocks, please. "
He gives her a kiss on the forehead and gets up to leave.
'PAPA'! "Clementine screaming, weeping without restraint. She does not care to look weak now." You can not go like that! "swallows, her throat choked with tears." Let me come with you! "
" It 's a journey that she has yet to do, "says Christian putting a hand on the shoulder of Sawyer, who seems to be the saddest man in the world when he says:
' It is true, Clementine. You can not come. You grew up very well without me. Will you continue to do so. "
No, no, no
, Clementine thinks, and starts to throw at her father, clinging to him no matter what. But stumbles in a backpack leaning against the foot of the bench, and falls by placing your hands to the ground, raises his head suddenly, and neither his father nor Christian Shephard are there any more.
Frantically, he looks around, runs up to end of the driveway, but there is no trace of the two men. Do not know which is more illogical: they are able to exit the park in two seconds, or have simply disappeared into thin air.
With the backpack on his shoulders, sits back to walk home. Only now you realize that you fell and skinned the palms of your hands. The burn a lot. It's not that crying quietly, in silence.
knows by heart the way, but it never felt so lost.