Title: Like yesterday
Fandom: Lost
Character / Couple:
Richard Alpert Rating: PG
Word Count: ~ 395 Warning: spoiler
fourth season Notes: Lost (c) ABC, Darlton, and so on. This is probably the most fic from "Lost nerd" who has written so far, so better to clarify a few things:
The first time Richard Alpert hear the song, sung by a woman with a rustle of a turntable never cleaned, it is also the first time when he left the island after shipwreck. His task here know of ancient maritime law, summary justice imposed on the captain in army. tells Widmore he can not return to the island, these are the words of Jacob. The other man looks at him with the same eyes stone that had as captain of the Black Rock, and Richard continues to inspire in a kind of instinctive fear.
's so that Jacob spoke, he repeats.
E '1927. The second time is 1960, and Richard is locked in the car with the radio turned on at low volume. A light but incessant rain drums on the windshield while Elvis wins a nation through radio and 45 rpm. Alpert remembers that smoky club where he had abandoned Widmore, what he had meant to him and to the island. Fervently hopes that the child in the orphanage closed across the street is the solution you seek. It will take time before it is ready, but Richard, peering at your face in the rearview mirror is always the same, it starts to get used to the idea of eternity. The third time, Richard enters cautious prefabricated house of Gerald and Karen de Groot. It has nothing personal against them - know that I'm just a cog in the machine set in motion to conquer the island. Wanders silent, and then find them: Gerald down on the sofa, Karen on the floor. Maybe he was trying to get out in the open air. She had always been the smarter of the two. She could not know that the gas would kill her anyway. idles on a vinyl turntable, emitting only faint bursts of white noise. Richard puts the needle at the beginning of the groove, and leave notes Family, speaking of nostalgia, loneliness and lost paradises:
When I kissed you and Called you sweetheart?
Richard Alpert looks at the hard black plastic, which turns on itself with a slight rocking motion.
Think about how ironic, and ultimately appropriate for him, continue to hear the same song for sixty-five. As if time never passed. As if they had yesterday.
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