Title: On loan
Fandom: 100 bullets
Character / Couple:
Megan Dietrich, Lono; mentions Megan / Augustus Medici
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 300 WARNING: SPOILER
for Volume 10, Decayed Notes: Probably the fandom
Augustus Medici was the ideal man for Dietrich Megan since she was a girl. And his attraction to Augustus had only increased as he watched Benito grow with her. Benito was indecisive and weak, in a sense, Megan felt the true heir of Augustus, but was glad not to be. Made it much easier to accept the thrill of excitement that I feel every time Augustus was in the same room, to represent everything she wanted. Security. Authority. Force. And he said:
Megan, I need you to be strong. Somehow, he had pulled out of the pit of self-pity where the attack had subsided.
yet. Now, as you exit the wake of the twins Nagel, wonders if his newfound strength is nothing more than that of Augustus. Borrowed. "I see that Doctors did not come. Already runs the girlfriend to do the tedious work for him, huh?" says the man leaning against the black car.
"Lono," Megan says, adjusting his sunglasses. If it were not for Augustus, the week before, Lono would be retained? "I told you not to come to Augustus. Anyway, what do you care?" Lono he turns his cigar in his mouth. "A fucking nothing, Dietrich. But the Trust works if families make the call each other, not blowjobs. "
Megan lips curling in disgust." Move out of my car, dog. You're the one who should keep watch. "
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