Title: Peter
Romanzo Criminale (TV series)
Character / Couple: mother of the Lebanese
Rating : G Word Count: 200
Warning: Notes:
Mrs. Maria Proietti not know why it ended at the gate armored. Maybe they changed a way that you have followed without thinking, or simply, everyone in Rome sooner or later pass by the Lebanese. It was only a matter of time before he did too.
is going to go back on the bike when the gate opens. Two thugs are out of a Lancia Fulvia blue, which she seems to recognize Mario, one of the old friends of his son. He does not see it and turn left, while she stands there, hands on the handlebars, watching the car disappears into the city.
"Madam, a Problem? asks one of the thugs at the gate. She blinked once. He does not know him, but recognizes the type. Respectful in tone but not what really matters. should leave, but says
'E' where Peter lives, right? "
The men exchanged looks genuinely confused. "Peter?" We do not know any Peter here, sir. "
"Never mind," she says going back on a bike. calls it by its as if he wanted
, he thinks. But did not mind.
The woman pedaling away. The Lebanese has killed his son, and she will not ever forgive him for that.
Houston, Texas
Fandom: Final post For a Few Dollars More
Character / Couple: Mönch, Colonel
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Warnings: general spoilers for the film Note: Based
"About time no see, old man."
Mortimer raises his eyes from the newspaper, not at all surprised.
"Stumpy," he said, squinting. "But look a bit '." Mönch he turns his cigar in his mouth. How many years have passed? Ten? Never would have thought to review the colonel. But even the frontier is endless.
"What are you reading? The new sizes?" He asks.
"No, only the news on the railroad. I closed after Agua Caliente. You, pretty ..." says Mortimer eyeing the Stumpy "... did not you say you'd retired?" "I did it. There were a lot of money. But then I realized that I missed this terrible life, I put them in the bank and I started."
"The banks are robbed."
"Yeah," grins the Stumpy. remain for a while 'in silence, watching the crowded street, smoking.
"We worked well together, that time," he says cautiously Stumpy.
"Hmm, just nods each other.
"We could take another job. Gus Fletcher, derailment of trains - would be seven thousand head, clean." Mortimer looks at the Stumpy, squinting volpini and countering the pipe.
"Maybe I'll talk about tomorrow, if we are still in town."
The Stumpy nods. When he left, it touches the hat in a silent salute to the colonel returns. She knows that tomorrow is not seen again.
Title: The Invisible Man
Fandom: 100 bullets
Character / Couple:
Dizzy / Mr. Shepherd Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
place before the arrival of Dizzy and Shepherd New Orleans, but based on some hints that the numbers are still unknown in Italy. Notes:
Prompt: Revelation
"So his name is just 'mister', eh?" Dizzy says, going out on the porch dell'alberghetto. Shepherd smiles.
"Do not offend you. I am old, I have my own whims."
Dizzy sits beside him, taking a sip from his beer. Courage. you feel stupid, excited as a twelve year old.
"Mr. Shepherd said, and when the man turns to her, Dizzy kisses him. After a moment of stillness, Shepherd retracts. "No, Dizzy ... no."
Dizzy slumps in his chair, taking her face in her hands. "Oh my God. Excuse me.
That bitch - "
"It's not your fault, Isabel," she sighs Shepherd. "It's me. Women - I like, but - not in this sense."
Dizzy us takes a moment to understand too, and then open your eyes wide and mouth. "It means that she is - but -"
"Do not you see, you say? E 'in my work, in our
work, revealing as little as possible himself."
"Okay," Dizzy said after a long silence. Look straight ahead, cut down. Shepherd is then approached, and kissed her softly on the lips. 'It's better that way, "he says, before returning to the room.
The next day, Dizzy has red eyes. Shepherd hopes that the desert sand.
not worth it.
Title: Theory Games
Fandom: Final post
Lost Character / Couple: Walt
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Warning: Spoiler vaguest until episode 5x07 Notes:
"I do not know, Walt," says Zach pulling nut "this game seems complicated."
"It 's just backgammon," Walt says in a tone of obvious, but understands the furrowed brow of the friend that perhaps it is granted only for him. "Do you want to play Need for speed
?" said, masking his disappointment. "Maybe," says Zach, and turn on the Playstation. Walt select a machine that has saved from previous games.
"Wow," says Zach "you made it all white, eh? What is the point in tuning a game?"
Walt is starting to get tired of Zach, her fringe blonde emo type, but not quite, its low threshold of concern. Nor is it his fault, Walt fear - it is he who, as we endeavor to have a normal life, he feels out of time compared to his friends. Not that I have many. "White" he sighs "in backgammon was the light of the sun, and the black darkness of the night. You between the two would you choose?"
"I know things pussies, Walt."
He also wanted to see Mr. Locke tonight. And he was surrounded by black deeper than he had ever seen. Walt hopes to be well. But when he loses his white car, has a sinking heart.
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