'm back .. yes yes ... and are also the 2 in the morning ... are stupid?!?! also yes, but mostly I've been up until now, because tomorrow either, nor the weekend I'll be home. so ... TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN no longer believe it? but I love you too, so I made the commitment ...
as I anticipated the answer you have taken virtually all ... too easy ... the next I swear I will suffer ... so you learn to guess!
before leaving in Chapter I leave credits due, or is Ted
Gian instead of
The name of our Faith (I forgot in the last chapter and ask for forgiveness) is the brainchild of
while Sianna-name-is the result of my little brain adored
"there is something in these characters you Claudia?"
Heck YES !!!!!
January 1.5 January 1.6 Gen 1.7 Gen 1.8 Gen 1.9
Gen 1.10 Gen 1.11 Gen 1.12 Gen 1.13 Gen 1.14
Gen 1.15 Gen 1.16 Gen 1.17 Gen 1.18 Gen 1.19
Gen 1.20 Gen 1.21 Gen 1.22 Gen 1.23 Gen 1.24
Gen 2.1 Gen 2.2 Gen 2.3 Gen 2.4
Gen 2.5 January 02/06 January 02/07 January 2.8 3.1
Gen 1.10 Gen 1.11 Gen 1.12 Gen 1.13 Gen 1.14
Gen 1.15 Gen 1.16 Gen 1.17 Gen 1.18 Gen 1.19
Gen 1.20 Gen 1.21 Gen 1.22 Gen 1.23 Gen 1.24
Gen 2.1 Gen 2.2 Gen 2.3 Gen 2.4
Gen 2.5 January 02/06 January 02/07 January 2.8 3.1
No, I could not spend one more afternoon with Faith stark naked, was not possible. I really need to get a bit 'with other people and entertainment, especially after he saw William ..
"Faith, I would say that today we can also feel a bit 'out of the house, sun, sea, tan .. will spend another evening together .. what do you say? "
The smile on those lips, her wonderful, vanished in a second, and put her arms around his chest crossing them.
"Come, do not keep the nose, we can not live only for sex," I said going up to her and brushing the tip of the nose.
His eyes are chained to my wonderful hard. Really wanted to spend the afternoon with me .. Why would you peg away was that?
"Go yourself!" I said, turning and taking refuge in the room, with a light blanket covering her body so that perfectly sculpted.
Almost as if his feet were moving by themselves, I found myself to follow her and sit next to her on the bed, placing a arm around her waist and then bring it closer to me.
I put my nose in the crook of her neck while she was left totally helpless in this strange embrace.
Everything in his movements, I suggested that he did not want me at his feet, but I did not move, and I was there to smell it, like a dog. Then slowly I placed a light kiss and chaste, leaning on his shoulder.
"What is it? What did I say wrong? "I asked
whispering" I just wanted to be an afternoon to do anything with you. - He said - E ' that with you, I can be myself without having the fear that someone would judge, "he added, turning sadly.
gave her another kiss on the tip of the nose and smiled sweetly. "Faith, you should be yourself more often, you have no idea what to restrict the people .. you may also appeal to someone .. "
He stood up, pulling off the embrace and I saw her fumble in the cupboard that spat out clothes.
"Dany Josef, if I were not so damn good, believe me we would go only to the beach this afternoon," she added pulling out - I do not know how - a skimpy bikini and wearing it without the slightest shame, then approaching sculettandomi face.
"Move or I'm late," she added sitting on the bed, leaving me totally enthralled.
Predictably, as soon as I put my nose outside the apartment of Faith, the heat, pervaded my whole body making me regret that choice just made. Instinctively I took my cell phone and dialed the number for my sister.
"Hello?" His annoyed voice answered on the second ring.
"But you always phone in your hand?"
"What Dany want? "
" We're going to the beach, you want to take steps? "fervently hoped he would tell me no, I did not want to have even a remote possibility of cross again Will.
"I am ready in 5 minutes - he answered - but there, too?"
"Of course there is - I replied, lowering his voice to not feel - steps from home to change facts you find the usual corner, "I said then, interrupting the conversation.
back the same road twice in one day, could not bother me, but I tried to think about the positive side, Rachel would stay away from Will for several hours. It was the only thing that interested me.
Get in the car beaming as usual giving me a kiss and going to sit in the back seat, offering a paltry "hello" Faith, who had stopped a second blowing it as soon as he realized where we were going. Yet I was happy. I had my two women near, and was about to reach the man who had managed to pull myself out of thoughts, and problems that life had decided to give me. I could ask for more? I pressed my foot
accelerator, again surpassing the damn house, took over as the wind to mess up his hair. They were too long, I should have cut them short. It was not really possible for me I held them so long.
From the back seat I could hear Rachel's iPod at full volume, playing a few songs dance, typical of her. Background noise, with some tunz shot in the middle. Where was the melody? Today's young people listened to music all that nonsense?
Without a traffic light I stopped for a few seconds to peek in the rearview mirror, going to cross his eyes. I smiled, a smile that she could not see, but which responded strongly, making a small tongue, barely hinted at.
Her hair fell gently on the face, and a second I realized that I was no longer that little girl I was trying to protect at all costs. My mother was right. It was big enough to decide what to do or not do with his life. The problem was that I only wanted the best for her, and proximity to Will certainly was not.
I threw an eye to Faith, who had remained silent with his arms folded, looking out the window a view of the non-existent. Houses, homes and even homes. I just do not understand why you hated it. I put the then a hand on her leg and drew a heart seeing a smile, then suddenly turn off and go back to gaze on the infinite expanse of concrete.
When I managed to find parking, not too far from the beach, I finally took off that annoying T-shirt, sporting a tan worthy of the corpse .. I was white as a sheet, I had not really been able to get some 'tan of that year, but I was sure I would have done again, then closed the car and walked to my friends who were waiting for me, leaving the two a hair back.
I saw briefly, her face against Rachel. Probably Ted was thinking about. If you already imagined with a new girl in his arms.
I felt a bit 'of punishment for the girl, and I cursed now to ask it. I was selfish, and just to remove it from the clutches of Will, I had tricked the lion's den.
what you feel, I destroyed it. I understood very well what it meant to be jealous.
I saw Ted and Joshua playing with a football on the beach, while a terribly hot sun, shining on that water crystal clear, drawing millions of stars that dazzled me.
was a unique view. A small creek, which came close to perfection, known by few, with fine, white sand, which blinded him.
ran toward them, jumping on my friend's shoulder and patting him on the shoulder. I realized too late that it was probably just out of the water, so I was completely soaked pants, and a slight coolness finally peeked.
"Finally! We've been giving for lost! "Debuted Ted immediately, followed closely by Joshua, who rubbed the hair comes over and completely covering droplets of salty and cold.
"Excuse me, are to pick up Rachel, I was sorry to leave it at home on a day like this! "I saw Ted
smiling and shaking her head down and then just tried to turn his eyes.
Here the arrow of jealousy. Straight through the soul and overbearing.
My little sister. My little girl, small and helpless. A sweet little creature in need of affection.
Scacciai that thought immediately, I had to stop being hyper-protective of him. In fact I would have that strange foreign reaction, and that twinkle in the eyes of Ted.
he is not interested right? He was there with a new flame. Why so excited for Rachel? That girl friend that he considered, which was math homework?
smiled to see that expression, almost embarrassed. Amused.
It seemed that he hoped to see her that afternoon.
I threw a look that strange to Joshua shrugged with a smile, then I turned around, ready to go and greet Pam, his longtime girlfriend when my eyes rested on that mass of blond hair.
"It 's you?" I asked, pointing with his head.
"Who? Ah yes. Sienna. It's her, "he said, returning with his feet on the ground.
taken the first steps, running a hand through his hair to move away from his eyes when his blue eyes appeared from almost nothing stops me, exactly where I was.
In a flash, everything around me ceased to exist. He had been only the sound of the sea and the waves were going to break over the shore, not counting our breaths that had become deafening.
I looked for a few seconds that seemed to last an eternity, then lost contact with paradise, and returned to earth from the muzzle. That
his skin, that the mere sight seemed so smooth was covered with colored drawings, each probably tell a story. Blue, pink, green. Mixed colors that reminded me of the rainbow.
I wanted to touch them. Hear, touch something hiding. Read them without saying a word.
you, in a skimpy costume, depicting a skull, the foot with a pair of boots.
"Do not tell me anything about amphibians," said Ted rousing from slumber "I could not take them even on the beach."
I could not answer. My throat was dry, I gave way to release in words which would surely be found out of place, so maybe she had gone better.
I was still dazed a few seconds, fixed on those curves that I had captured in a few seconds. It was as if I had lived only for that moment. Then, as happens in the movies, something broke eye contact and returned to me immediately.
Faith was looking at me with hands on hips, screaming.
"If you leave me alone with your sister again, I do not answer me," she said annoyed.
Sbuffai his umpteenth whimper. "Faith, you see ok to stop? Now beginning to deteriorate "
He said reducing the eyes of two slots, then always looked wrong, gave me his back and laid down his towel, for then lie down and not speak to anyone.
I could see that she was difficult to understand the relationship that had been created in all those years between me and Rachel. Do not blame her. Ours was a deep well. A silent coalition. A duo indestructible. One would always be there for each other. It was not all due to the abandonment of Will, of course, had done his part, but being together, and protect one another, was something that was above everything. It would have been impossible to explain in words. It was something that was lived. It was like finding a foothold in a stormy sea, and discover that not only save your life, make it better.
was a word of comfort, at the exact moment where you wanted to hear. A hug
infinite, when you mean it.
A cuddle, a pat, a joke. Moved their eyes on Ted, who had been a little behind me smiled sheepishly.
I saw the corner of Rachel's property to secure it, I wanted to go to her and hold her, but gave up.
I did drag in front of Sienna and held out my hand. Those silly feelings that I had tried a little earlier, had been promptly locked away in a secret drawer of my consciousness.
self-convinced me that the fact that he was dazed, depended on the fact that, physically speaking, I found a disarming beauty. I never fell in love. I might be burned, or worse, abandoned again. No. I would not have made that mistake. The only women who was my sweetheart, I was sure that I would never leave.
then shook it vigorously, avoid staring too long into his eyes, then I turned to Ted, taking his weight to get into the water.
include sketches and laughter, I could not help but every so often to lay eyes on her, alone, sitting on a tree trunk without a word to set the skyline.
"Ted, do not you think that you should spend some time 'with your girlfriend? Do not know anybody, and there alone since I arrived, "I said uncombed hair
She looked at me funny, then nodded.
He walked toward her, but I saw clearly that his eyes had gone to put on Rachel, and he will talk to Pam, the girlfriend of Joshua. Both were kneeling on the sand, and were committed to building a sandcastle, mixing in equal quantities, dry sand and wet.
For a second their eyes met. He just looked at the property firm, occasionally lowering his head while she gave him one of the sweetest smiles and warm I'd ever seen.
I knew instantly that math class, even for him were just an excuse to spend time together. I could not understand why he would not live it with her emotion.
If you liked (and here you liked) why not try?
When the two broke the spell, I went to Rachel and Pam, and I threw myself to do the naughty belly on their sand castle, making too bad.
"Danny, what are you doing?!?! From take off "
" Danny, you're usually shit! "Pam insisted while I burst out laughing like a child. Rachel took
weight and ran toward the water brought back.
It was like going children. Get tease and laugh together. Just me and her.
"It 's his new girlfriend that will not you?" I then asked point-blank after being resurfaced.
"Yes, but I think he has a short life. You have to tell me something by accident? "I asked while looking at her sideways smile.
I saw her cheeks color slightly, and divert gaze. "No, things are still unchanged, you know that I have now accepted his decision."
"Yes, but .. I think you have watched a lot today .. maybe I'm wrong "
She shrugged and began to smile. The perhaps embarrassed to talk about Ted, in that so explicitly, but between us was always that way. Sincerity in every respect.
"Yes I noticed that too. But I thought I essermelo imagined. "
The approached me and gave her a kiss on the head. "Act like an adult, I always recommend it." I said coming out then water, and shaking his head.
The fine sand beneath my feet bother me, and created the typical mush, but when I looked up there it was that feeling again.
Sienna looked at me, and my heart was bouncing in her throat, doing a double somersault, and his stomach had twisted around itself.
He was there, sitting in the shade of a large palm tree, playing with a strand of hair, and I was watching.
As if caught in flagrante immediately averted his eyes, going to fix an indefinite point in the sand.
was still there alone and bored. So I took courage, and now Faith had turned into a lizard, I approached and sat down beside her.
"Are not you hot?" I asked point-blank.
"No, I'm bored to death, however," she said, almost panting. The
understood, had been sitting in that position by the time I made my entrance, and had not yet moved.
"Why do not you take a bath, or go to help the poor Pam that I destroyed the castle?"
He looked at me like I was crazy. His perfect face studied every my face, and I was a total embarrassment, what I told you so wrong?
"I do not know anyone here ... I can not go to her and begins to make sand castles." And he said, turning his head on the opposite side, as if angry.
I pulled my lips to his ear. I could smell her perfume fishing, come out of her hair, and that partially concealed her neck, she was an endless source. "We do not bite," I whispered and then walk away just in time before he was running towards me. The
winked and grabbing dragged her by the wrist out of that shell in which it was holed.
"Pam! - I screamed - Sienna wanted to help with the castle that I destroyed! "
She tried to keep me from pulling the opposite side, but my strength was certainly superior to his.
I did not notice at the time, that contact with her skin had sent me the chills and the same to her. If I paused a few seconds with the turn around and look at his eyes, I probably would have understood.
soon as I turned to look back and I saw a faint smile. Maybe I was really grateful for what I was doing for her.
the afternoon spent in total more than routine. Faith, it really was eclipsed, and had not spoken to anybody, me, Ted and Joshua, we played ball, fixed by good guys and three girls left, Pam, Rachel and Sienna were building an architectural project to be delivered to NASA for a stay on the moon. By the way, I was afraid a little 'for the reaction that could have Rachel to stay in close contact with Sienna, but incredibly, the two seemed immediately established a kind of mutual sympathy. I saw them several times laughing and joking together or throw belly in water to clean the sand. Nevertheless, the evening seemed to go well, I was amused, Rachel too, and all my other friends had been quiet, without combining disaster. I had not taken into account minimum, however, Faith ...
"You are a very selfish bastard!" He snapped when we were in the car alone, as Rachel would come home with Pam and Joshua.
"Excuse me?"
"You're a shitty person, so disgusting, that disgusts me even talk to you!" I took
a deep breath, turning his head toward the horizon.
I saw that ball of fire, now completely orange, which was slowly disappearing behind some mountains, casting rays on the beach, giving me a unique view. But a view that I would not be able to enjoy. I understood very well that was being furious argument, but honestly I did not have the slightest desire.
I put in motion, by remaining silent, and left, continuing to not talk to her slightest word.
She yelled, screamed, I think I had also pulled a slap on the arm, but my patience was inexhaustible in that time. It would not be able to ruin that afternoon.
not going to let him. We arrived
in his apartment, if possible, I would have skinned alive. He hated that my behavior. I saw her come down and slam the door without first not to have a good middle finger before his eyes.
laughed his way to be angry. He wanted to make the hard but it was not.
parked in the driveway, a little 'disappointed. I was sorry to have angered Faith, but honestly I had not even noticed, and maybe it was for that reason that I felt so low.
immediately saw another car parked outside that I knew well, and in no time found myself a good mood.
"Aunt Michelle" I cried into the house and slingshots into his embrace. I smiled back as if I was still shaking that little boy who had always pampered.
"disgrace a nipotastro! - Said pinching his cheek - where have you been up to this time? "
untied the embrace and walked to my mother, who watched us leaning against the kitchen counter, smiling, and kissed her softly.
"I was on the beach - I said then goes back to concentrating on the best friend of my mother - I also brought Rachel, at least they are managed to remove it from the house for a few hours .. "
His smile faded slowly lifeblood of looking into my eyes began to puff.
that afternoon had been far from my mind, and certainly, at that moment I did not want to pull out of any topic that concerns him. "Where is Uncle Gian?" I asked then
"It 's going to take the pizzas for these two young maidens," said running a hand in that blacks as a coat of hair the night.
"I hope you remember you two me ... "
" He called Ted, he will be with us tonight - my mother told me off - and then, I could never forget my child? "
I gave her another kiss and squeezed 's eye to Aunt Michelle heading towards my room.
I was alone in the silence of my room, perhaps in a remote corner of my memory, a thought I had dedicated to Faith, and the fact that sooner or later I should call her and somehow manage to forgive me ... yet, that place so safe to me, that place I had always protected by all, that place that I used as little fort at that time led me to think only one person.
Ok, just to be honest the people in question were two, and unfortunately they were directly connected.
Sienna and Ted.
Because I was so overpowering that came into his head? Because I could not forget those eyes looking at me? Because I could not forget her skin so smooth and white. The hair, nose, slight smile ...
sank her face in her hands, hoping to sweep away all those thoughts that I could not stop doing, and yet the only thing I wanted was to see her again. I did not need to talk, or touch it. I just wanted to see her again.
"Hey, blond, what are you doing?"
Ted's voice suddenly took me back to reality. I lifted up her face red with shame and then lay my eyes on her.
I saw him laugh, so I totally gave up on the bed lying and bringing his hands behind his head.
"And what?" Venendosi asked me to sit beside me.
did not answer and move away from the usual cowlick I just watched him.
"Look .. I think I should tell you something " said breaking the silence.
"If it's Rachel I already knew .. there is no need for you to say anything "
" It's not like you think - said on the defensive - is that I do not know. Today as I was dazzled when I saw "
" As if someone had opened his eyes only now after years of total darkness? As if proof of chills that only you feel along the back? "
" Yeah ... I gather you're trying the same thing, "she said seriously then. None of them spoke
more. Maybe there was not even needed. Maybe enough to be quiet and listen to each other for the breath say things that you hear only in the bottom of his heart.
Several minutes passed before my friend received his word.
"I'm not angry Dany. You know that you could never be. I think it's a matter of alchemy. If you like Sienna, I'm nobody to tell you what to do or what to think "
" Do not be silly, you know that I am engaged, and above all she is with you. I have not even crossed my mind to take a shit Typically, so do not try even words that could make me feel better. "
" I will not make you feel better - he said back at me - I want you to know that you are a friend, you know the type of person I am. You know how to treat women and you also know that I do not care for Sienna then much. "
" I'm not making a good impression if you want to put my sister in this speech you know it? "
I saw him finally relax and sincere smile. "It 's a bit of time I feel this weird thing for Rachel, but the first to tell you I wanted to be sure. I love her, you know. E ' always been my little sister. Remember when protecting it from the bully boys of the neighborhood? "He smiled again, staring at the wall. I nodded
sure that he could not see me.
How could I forget those years? Rachel was a little girl, totally disoriented, and the only points of reference was me and Ted. "I miss that time"
"Yeah me too.
I sat down, laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Ste girls there will go crazy sooner or later ... do not know how she got angry today Faith and how many punches I took. I think that gave me bruises on her arm "
" He She also noted those sparks between you and Sienna? "
told him the real reason for the fight. The have felt too, and left to itself. It was not for a few hours in the spotlight. To be clear, it was not that everyone hated the Faith.
"To me it seemed rather nice today," he said with a shrug.
I shook my head dizzy. Everything would have been easier if I decided to stay in the apartment of faith. No meeting with Sienna, and no fight. The easy and simple life that I had ever built.
Almost thought I was reading in, Ted gave me a slight shove.
"I know what you're thinking. Maybe not you ever said no but .. you have to think a bit 'to yourself every now and then. If you enjoyed today, no blame. Who knows .. maybe tomorrow when I could spend the break with Sienna's number, "he added with a wink.
Risi seriously enjoyed that statement. "For heaven's sake Ted .. There are other headaches. I found only attractive, and made me see her tenderness alone "I said trying to forget the electric shock that I had had contact with his skin.
A voice from the kitchen called our attention, as often happened to us as children, we sling down the stairs, hungry like wolves.
"Hello Uncle John" I said taking the box of pizza from his hands and smelling the smell that came out andandomi to sit in my place.
"I saw your sister today," said the uncle - then that his uncle was not - biting into a steaming slice covered with melted mozzarella.
"Me too" I replied, smiling just continuing to eat my anchovies and Capers with my taste.
I knew he was getting at. I knew I wanted to bring in William. But I would have not allowed. Not again. That day I had had enough.
"Well to be honest I went to see Will and ..."
"John is not really the case, we are quiet at the table ..." interrupted Aunt Michelle blasted with the eyes.
In those few words, like a reflex, my fingers were tight around knife in my hand. I was close so strong that his knuckles had turned white, and the nails were put in the palm. Not that I wanted to stab him, no, but know that despite everything, a family friend so tied to my mother would forgive Will after what we had done, not just annoyed me. Aunt Michelle and Uncle Gian
had helped us a lot during that period. They had left her mother alone for a moment, and they were always with us, to play and try not to let us weigh the absence of our father. Yet, somehow, Will was able to bewitch them too. He had managed somehow to make amends. 'Maybe he has not given money to be forgiven' I thought to myself, smiling at the funny conjecture. I thanked the
Aunt throwing a quick glance before returning to concentrate on the food before me.
"I thought I had that hungry, until you've bitten into a pizza" Ted told me sprawled on a deck-chair fumandosi a cigarette in the garden.
The summer breeze warmed our bodies in a night full of stars and I felt my hair dance with it in a rhythm that only they could understand. I tickled her forehead, but did not give me trouble. I let them do. Too many times I had detested. Too many times I was even denied myself because of that hair. And at that moment, perhaps in complete complicity with my best friend, I realized that I could not escape.
I was his son, who wanted to or not, and it was normal that everyone was trying to remember every single day of my life. I would have left to do. I would no longer opposed to the continuous prayers.
I would have just slid around him, as the slight wind was doing on me at that time.
Even at that time, Ted read to me in, as only he was capable of doing.
"Forget it. Do not take it too with Gian and Michelle. They are friends of your father, it is normal to seek to propionate in each sauce ... "
" Only if you stop to think about my sister, "I replied looking at him and just a hint of a slight smile, knowing that he not only knew me as his pockets.
Rise amused and closed his eyes breathing in deeply.
"I will not hurt your sister," she said seriously
"Even if you do it because I'll break your nose," I said rather sarcastically.
He sat resting his elbows on his knees and then look again. "I'm not joking. I'm not going to hurt Rachel. It's always been my little sister, and will forever. "
That light, almost a consciousness that shone in his eyes at that moment gave me the strength to answer. "I know Ted. You are my friend. I trust you. "
" See you tomorrow brother - said rising - from Joshua come tomorrow? Makes a small grill for lunch at his house. "
I nodded silently. I handed him his fist and got our usual greeting. The greeting of "Bro." The greeting of the brothers.
No words at random. No fuss. No hugs or kisses on the cheeks. A simple gesture that encompassed our infinite respect.
I heard his words carried by the wind, perhaps in a few seconds late ..
"The number you've left the room," he shouted as the lights disappeared into the street.
"Idiot" I muttered to myself.
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