something fast before gentlemen ... Any famous person you see in this generation know that is not my work. I do shit (excuse the French). For example, in this first episode you'll see that the spouses have been downloaded from TSR
I would like to capture your attention for a few moments. We left our Daniel (heir of the third generation) struggling with Sienna. They had gone to bed even though he was engaged to Faith. Ok .. from there .. guess what '? everything went wonderfully for everyone. Everyone is happy, and nobody suffered. Dany has confessed the betrayal, Faith has forgiven, and have found a wonderful man with whom he later married. And what's even more amazing Dany and Sienna got married (I have tried to invent a son of Daniel and Faith but it was too difficult .. I chose simplicity) .. so here we are heir number 4 (which in fact genes of Andy and Sophie has very little ...) dealing with its history
... I hope to be able to make it look vaguely to its two parents, two things are certain . The eye color is to Sienna: D and the hair of Andy and Calliope, and in short, all is not lost ... but enough chatter. Enjoy!
Emily had arrived. It had its final decision. Despite his mother and father had recommended before, and averted later, she was prepared not to travel bag and baggage and had started to follow her dreams. Becoming an actress was her real goal. And going to make it.
He had seen his grandmother in the eyes of a Calliope veiled sadness, while her mother wept bitterly Sienna and her father Daniel stared at the ground. He knew that what he was doing to prove to his family was a huge pain. But he had watched, one by one in the eye, and he repeated those words that had been studied by heart the previous weeks.
"I put away enough money to live on my own. I do not go to make you unhappy, indeed .. otherwise. I love you to death, but I have to follow my dreams, and I'm sure who understand and share my choice. "
The result unfortunately was not the best, because his mother had broken out again, and his father had looked only a whispering "We're breaking my heart."
It was narrow in the shoulders and puffing then showed one of his usual smile. First had to make it clear to his interlocutors that she was more than convinced.
"I'll be fine! Hey! I'll be fine! And if you were to go wrong .. Well I guess I will close the door on him, "he exclaimed, spreading his arms happy. His mother sobbed
plane containing the tears, and her father shook his head. A sign that had succeeded in doing so. That's audacity would carry her away she was sure!
"Hey what the hell is this place! For $ 500 a month I was hoping for something nicer, "she exclaimed when she spotted what they described as the best home for your budget.
"Miss, this is the best I can find for that amount" He looked bewildered
first cabin that fell to pieces, then the agent's face real estate. Then back home, then the agent .. home agent. House Agent
... "Kids do not you?"
"If I want to sign me to come back here in the office where I can freeze the armpit next to air conditioning." He said handing her a sheet around him contemptuously rubbed.
"At least we have the air conditioning inside it?" She asked signing
The real estate agent she had laughed in his face and shaking her hand had turned. "He done a great deal, "he shouted disappearing in seconds.
And she remained there. Starring at that ... .. could be called home? Not really .. hovel?
"Shit is an insult to the slums .." ok. Now he was really discouraged.
if her had been right?
And if the idea of starting to weird to be an actress and her dream had revealed only a glaring error?
The musty smell coming up the street. It would take years before the smell disappeared completely. And those signs hanging out? "No spitting"? because someone wandered around and spit on the walls of the house?
Well she would have done with his friends to a place like this. It was probably the meeting place for neighborhood thugs.
She pulled up her suitcase and was somewhat discouraged directed toward the wooden door was completely destroyed.
"Well at least pass the drafts of fresh air in the night" was repeated while his brain was in movement .. "If you pass the drafts, will pass the water! Oh god please! Do not rain this summer! "
his was a classic. Talking to herself out loud. How bad impression he had made in the past ... and none of the time had taught him that you get mad when you talk to herself. But she did not care. He had his dream. Within a few seconds, as soon as she slipped the key into the lock, he had already forgotten everything.
no longer even felt the smell (maybe his nostrils were already accustomed?), And felt a strong adrenaline rush when he turned the knob putting the first foot in the house.
"THAT Soooo? "
Ok so that was not expected it. If possible, the interior was ruined even more outside. The smell .. that awful smell of stinking! How could hear her again?
The interior of the little studio was really disgusting. The "kitchen" had the cabinets and cabinet doors completely unbalanced and hung over one side over another. The table and chairs, all covered with dust lying neatly in a corner of the room. (Probably the real estate agent had taken care to find the hole in order).
The bed on the opposite side, those on the wall, was the only thing that was saved, probably had to put into bringing this agency .. but it could certainly spend a little more. and could also remove completely map dried up on that sort of bedside table. It must have been dead for months now ..
The sofa dirty (perhaps the floor) and was worn by the door of a bathroom that was even more battered.
The poor health and a sink were dirty and completely covered with mold. The
it would take months just to clean everything. It certainly would not set foot in the bathroom. Fungi and bacteria probably were parties in that awful room.
Emily was literally demoralized. He had not yet given the earnest, had not yet pulled out a dime. He could scapapre screaming from the sewer, home back to its usual normality.
But was this really what you wanted? The acting classes she attended were thrown away in a few seconds only for a while '... to rot?
She had stopped in the middle of what would be his new home and took a deep breath. He returned with the memory of what that she had been told in one of the many courses he had attended.
"Do not be dejected by defeat ever, always fight tooth and always count on your ability"
After a couple of minutes that had been totally immobile, he decided that one of the first things to do was to buy at least one drawer to store clothes. But not before he had cleaned the house from top to bottom. Calmly
would take the new furniture. For now, those with a good dose of elbow grease, she would have been enough.
There was a mop with a detergent supported by the bedside.
had supported her suitcases on the floor, looked for a comfortable suit of his clothes still folded, tied hair in a ponytail and conveniently at a good pace had started to clean it all at once with the disinfectant. He had taken away the cobwebs
, opened the windows, past the rag again and again to remove those layers of dust and 8 hours later, when the sun was setting had put perfume on the sheets that would be the next step. The bed. Accompanied by a sleep of at least 12 hours.
was so tired I did not even have the strength to be hungry.
It was then still lying with dirty clothes and smelly on the bed, breathing in deeply the fragrance softener his mother coming from the sheets and so had fallen into a deep sleep.
Without even realizing it had passed that first terrible day of distress. Perhaps the worst was over. Of course the smell of stale
no sign of leaving so quickly, but at least it was a bit thinned out.
When he opened his eyes the next morning the sun was rising. The clock ticked past 5:30 mark that he had slept almost 12 hours.
He turned in bed, unable to find the usual familiar and remembered no longer at home with his parents. He
muscles hurt, and as a physical effort is usually clear the table, having cleaned up a whole studio was equivalent to one month's gym.
went into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes when he realized that you have a hungry black. Damn she had not eaten for a whole day. And if she had fainted on the way to go to the grocery store? He must have had in his bag of potato chips, and some sandwiches they had prepared his mother. Sure
bite a sausage sandwich at 6 am was not great, but at least he knew that would remain standing for another 6 or 7 hours.
The morning came too quickly. It was already 11 and had not yet accomplished anything for his new life.
He intended to spend the whole afternoon for agencies, leaving his curriculum plus several photos of the book in hopes of finding some short-term engagement that would allow her to break through.
So after going to deposit the down payment and three months rent in advance, it was directed to walk the streets of Los Angeles with his nose in the air.
entered in the various agencies, where secretaries designer from head to toe looked at her with contempt. The story was always the same. "We'll know."
A week later, when money began to dwindle, he had still received no call.
And most had not met anyone that held a little 'company. He had not yet spoken with anyone who was not a prospective employer or his family, and now began to feel very alone.
He knew that when I was upset would have been on the agenda, he already knew before leaving, but did not think it would be so intense. The
missed his old friends. She missed her family. The only "thing" with which he spoke was to seedling death, who had not had the heart to throw away. He had even given a name. "Genevieve" because it was really bad, like Cinderella's sister. The fact was that .. expressed its full state of mind.
So another night spent in complete solitude was over, and a new day in front of her lay ahead. He had learned almost immediately to save. So those of an unknown brand cereal did not seem so bad then more.
We ate from a bowl sitting on one of those chairs creaking looking at the blank out the window when his phone rang.
"Oh my God oh my God!" Began to scream turning on itself. "Work work
!!!!" He then breathed, made the phone ring twice more and then as if she had been busy most of the world had responded.
"Hello!" He said eating the wretched word.
"Hello, here is the agency" Hollywood for us "speak with Miss Emily Josef?"
"hello It's me ..." she missed her breath with emotion. Was remembered as an agency. It was the seventh, eighth or maybe he had visited.
"The call by Mr. Burdman, manager, wanted to know if you can be interested in an interview"
He took a few moments to cheer on the inside and then he finally answered. "Yeah, sure."
few pleasantries, and had marked the address on a piece of paper. It could be that the turning point?
As soon as he had hung up in the bathroom to settle slingshots. Waxing, eyebrows, shampoo with moisturizing cream to make hair soft and flowing
Oh ... now what? How should dress?
Elegant but not too much. Sporty but not too much. Casual but not too much.
sensual but not too much ... too hard. Without even realizing he had created behind her against a deluge of clothes and now they were all wrinkled.
Perhaps those jeans in the closet had been a sign.
said than done. And half an hour before she had found herself sitting in a chair drinking coffee. The
continue to set the clock certainly not help her. It seemed that the minute hand was always stops at the same point. So
had taken her purse and weary of waiting had started to walk. Arrive early would not hurt.
Ok. Damn. The air was stifling and she had not taken into account in any way. The cement of the city threw out an unbearable heat, the heat did not make her breathe, and would come close. So after entering, the air conditioning had immediately put at ease, while the sweat on his neck slowly wiped provoking shivers of pleasure.
The secretary promised to knock on his computer keyboard and had not the slightest consideration.
'Strange ...' he thought Emily settling on one of those very comfortable chairs.
The girl continued to do his work undeterred, not caring about the people around her. If it had entered Brad Pitt would look back? She would have liked to see that scene ... maybe hand in hand with Angelina.
From his list would be removed two of the hundreds of things to see before you die. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and a vague facial movement of the stupid and rude secretary
And then maybe Angelina, would take by the throat and thrown against a wall, beaten and bruised. In Lara Croft .... Poor and without shame.
What is that going to make it fun.
"Miss Josef suppose, 'said the secretary waking from his stupor, and finally turning the floor to Emily. (In the meantime, imagine how cruel ways to kill that girl)
"Yes, I am," replied vague hint of a smile.
"The Mr. Burdman can now see the "
Then he was again immersed in his work would" ticket tare "on your keyboard comprotandosi as if she did not exist.
He then put his foot in the study of what was supposed to be his manager. He was ready to face the usual horny old man with a swollen belly and the smell of alcohol, cigarette, and instead saw the handsomest man that could ever imagine.
He was standing next to a window open, young, blond, blue eyes. What may be seen as the classic "Prince Charming".
He raised his head, handing her a sweet smile that had exposed her perfect teeth and extremely white.
We saw it well in an advertisement for a toothpaste. And she would have bought it immediately. It was already her slave, and yet had not even been filed.
Anthony (Tony) Burdman, he started talking and his head was flooded with a lot of phrases. He had understood nothing of what was said. Emily wished only that his toothpaste ... the brilliance of his teeth dazzled. Oh
Well sure. Perhaps they were even his hair. And his blue eyes. And that perfect line.
Ok damn her. Everything was all that had to do a flow of saliva, without him even noticing it.
"So I would say that we could start the group know that you say?"
Shit. He had not heard a word.
"The group? Oh well why not. It's a start "
Group? Which group?
course! He meant the working group. But ... "But I do exactly what I should do?" Then he asked hesitantly.
He smiled mischievously, and came close to an inch from his nose.
"You, dear Emily, I like" oh my God .. he liked her! She had found the man of her life!!
"You've got a material that few people! You know usually enter the queens of the ego, they sit down they think they know everything, but you ... you have balls my dear Emily! You will make way! "
Ah. Damn. He was still talking about work.
"The balls ..?"
"You're not afraid to tell me that you did not understand any of what I told you "(oh my God it was true)" You want to know what are you meeting. You stuff! "Then he pressed a small button on his phone and called the secretary.
"Appoint me an appointment with Nancy LoftHouses for tomorrow's"
But she still did not understand ... what band?? Damn. The first job and had not understood anything.
"Yes, but .. Excuse me ... Mr. Burdman "
" Tony, please .. Call me Tony "
" Ok Tony. Um at the risk of being repetitive, what am I to do? "
He had moved back a few steps toward her and had set it seriously. "You Emily, you just have to be famous!" Then he placed a hand on his shoulder and walked out.
And you. Well she was still there. As a codfish. The group. He met a group. What was not known. The fact was that a group was already a good starting point. There were more than two then. But they did not know it was given. Perhaps the appearance in some fiction.
She liked as an idea. Also acting in the role of a dying woman in bed, or the corpse in a few episodes of some CSI. Who cares. He had to get its ranks. If he felt it was ready.
"So tomorrow you must report at this address" Nancy, the secretary bitch, had passed a note with a wholly unknown "at 10 o'clock, do not delay, the group does not like the laggards. There you will find Janie, the aide of Mr. Burdman. "
Emily was still staring at that piece of paper. "Lofthouse's" who knows what kind of show they did. He did not know why, but reminded her of a lighthouse.
"E here are all the forms that you must bring completed and signed. Tomorrow morning I recommend. Janie to deliver everything. "
But why take all that confidence? He gave her the wrong way in a folder with 20 pages. He spent hours reading everything.
"Here is the number of Janie. Anything, and I mean any, call it. "
" O.. Ok thank you "
" Do not delay ... "he then added that stupid sciacquetta
" I think you understand .. thank you ... "
" Delay ... no work ... remember that. Do not delay, "If I had
repeated once again would have choked. "I understand. Thank you! "Replied Emily staring eyes.
"I'm not joking. It's important. "
Oh my goodness .. but the woman wanted to die?
"Yes ... goodbye." He said without bothering to look towards the door.
"Well and good luck for tomorrow."
His smile? That woman had just silly smile? Ok had forgiven her. It was a selfish bitch, but who cares at that time. He had a smile!
She returned in her happy as a clam shack. He had an audition for something. The clothes still scattered on the floor were all wrinkled. He had to hurry, wash and iron that he wanted to and then read the folder that had been given.
When they reached the 10 had arrived only half.
It was noticed that he started talking loudly on its own, like crazy.
"dream? But come on, but what questions are they? If I were a celebrity who would you like? Who knows! "
When he opened his eyes the sun had just risen. He
sheets stuck to her cheeks and a sore back had been even an old one. He had fallen asleep on the table when the task was a little girl with the little difference that there was going about his future.
In total panic had scribbled the latest answers and rushed to get ready. Nancy had stated that being late would not be wise. Would come out would take a taxi, and evil that he would wait to go the rest of the "group". He was so shaken that she could not stop smiling, and looking in the mirror like. He had
the foot outside the safe house that day was fantastic. It actually was not wrong at all ..
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