Good evening, dear friends of Lj, surprised to see me so soon !??!? I'm trying to extricate from the work and legacy will be, but as you can see I have borne this update with incredible speed (credetemi. ..: S)
'nuff said, let the credit must. the group (or rather the three guys in the band you see one) have been downloaded HERE . I modified a "Pelino" eyes or skin and hair would be results but quirky ............................
said that, I leave you to read in peace, all under the cut
Let's take a quick review?
Emily, daughter of Daniel and Sienna has moved to the west coast, specifically Los Angeles. Matthew Burdmann he meets his new agent, a disarming beauty. teeth and even more beautiful to him if possible. The
is a possible engagement with a mysterious "group" but what exactly is the work, it is impossible to know ...
Nancy had said at 10. It was 8:30 that the devil would do that for an hour and a half in the middle of nowhere? He had already stopped to breakfast, and had toured the neighborhood, just to see what kind of faces haunt the area .. all Mexicans, of course. It was well known, in the outskirts of Los Angeles there were only them. Yet he was not afraid. In fact he was charged as a spring. He wanted the job and would have had.
From a distance he saw a skinny figure head in his direction. He understood only that she had arrived the girl was totally innocent-looking the famous Janie.
"Wow that punctuality! - Exclaimed smiling - Nancy should have you just broken boxes on punctuality. I'm Janie. Will refer to me for any kind of problem, please do not be ruthless if you have something to ask you as well "
And she had things to ask .. took a deep breath and left.
"I do not quite understand the speech of Mr. Burdman yesterday what it is .. maybe you can shed some light on 'the right for ideas .. you know .. "he had not let him finish.
"Well the video is about to turn their first ever, then seek someone who can impress the audience. I'm sure he liked it, people are strange, but good guys .. "Ok
halt. The video? "A music video?"
Janie was opening the door of what had to be an overall air shed. "Of course what did you think?" Ok now it was really
impanicata. Probably Mr. Burdman .. Tony, did not realize that she wanted to become an actress.
"But I do not know how to dance!" He then said in a whimper.
"There is joy dance here, you will only be part of some scene. quiet ... "and then she had entered.
The large room already furnished to the video of the "group" to put even more fear. Now what would he do? She could neither sing nor dance. It was a cod when it came to music. When she was smaller and her friends forced her to go dancing, if they remained throughout the evening holed up in a corner drinking tequila bored to death.
looked like a broomstick. But in the true sense of the word.
was always afraid that everyone would notice his "movement" from mouflon straw, and preferred to stay in the shadows. And now it was there. One step away from success, with a single cartridge available. And he was using to shoot himself in the foot ...
"Hey Janie - had reached the red-haired girl who had already put in preparing the breakfast table with a potential for the group - I do not know if I am the person suitable for this job, I really have no idea where nemmno we start with a music video "
" Honey, you are not alone, there are other girls for the part. Not that this will work with which you do career .. but at least try it ok? "Then he crushed her cheek affectionately, and did to fix the delicacies on the table.
is good. He had already lost the job before you start ...
The minutes seemed to pass more. Emily was sitting in that chair with a cup of steaming coffee and did not know how much time had passed. He tried to remember the enthusiasm that had until recently tried before without success, and wondered how it would come out. Really wanted that job, or rather, he wanted to fulfill his dream and if that was his springboard wanted to make the best, just do not know how.
While he was deep in thought he had heard the door open, and instinctively she turned to see who it was.
A rather strange group of kids had just made his entrance. There they are. The Lofthouse's. those who would have made it into small pieces. Those who were pulped. Those who would destroy his dream.
The blacks haired boy in the group can be stopped and looked at her with reluctance. Well. Yet even they had spoken and had already discarded.
The girl just behind the bizarre hair he had them smile. One of those sincere smiles. He had the heart and close immediately made her hope for a moment. Emily had returned the smile somewhat shy and had now shifted his gaze to the floor to avoid bursting into tears pouring down and kneel begging to give her at least a possibility.
The other two behind, with a crest, and the other purple-haired, but probably not even whispering among themselves and were aware of his presence. They had already loose the delicacies brought by Janie laughing and joking as if nothing had happened.
was not for them that their launch pad? Do not risk everything based on that video?
The girl had approached the first-haired blacks, and had whispered something in his ear. He noticed immediately that there was something between the two. She had just placed his hand on his arm, almost touching it. A purely intimate contact. And her lips were very red makeup around his ear.
From that distance would certainly have felt its hot breath on her neck, and if he just barely did, certainly would have ended in a closet to do dirty things.
Emily watched their movements as those hypnotized. When she pulled away, he nodded his head and disappeared into the back as she strode smiling happily.
is surely were going to have sex in some obscure point of the study.
You could have sex at that hour in the morning?
remembered well when left to sleep by his now ex boyfriend. He could not even touch it with your fingertips until two hours after he wakes up or he would bite .. probably that was her buggy. Or perhaps more simply, he had never loved ...
But now he was part of his past. It truly was not interested either.
"Hello I'm Thiana" he said holding out his hand, while Emily was still stunned at her as if she were a Martian.
"Oh hello .. please. Emily "had then said in response to the gesture. Then, still smiling
Thiana had reached the other two at the table and began to laugh all three together. They looked like a big family.
You could almost touch the deepest feelings that existed between them. He would have liked to have friends like that. She felt like a total
alien in that environment. Not so much because it really was eh, but because he understood that he had nothing in common with the "Lofthouse's" mild-mannered and yet those who had each attracted to the other.
had not even noticed, so taken by his thoughts that the first type haired blacks had returned and had reached them placing in the mouth a piece of cake as big as his hand.
And then there were going to do something filthy. She had been charmed to observe every move of those people and was certain that Thiana had not moved.
Was about to move his eyes when the blacks-haired boy turned around to face her.
Shit! He had caught in the middle! Li was staring and he had seen her .. he immediately turned his head looking at the wall but the damage he had done.
Damn. That figures! That figures! He wanted to sink a couple of feet underground .. three or four to tell the truth.
"Janie! - He said he just continued to stare - we take you, well send home the other girls. We did not get "
Emily looked up staring at the opposite wall was too scared that he was referring to someone else, but there was only her.
"Okay Ode - exclaimed cheerful - Emily treasure is that we are going to prepare"
Emily? But she was called Emily and the turn around could have sworn that even watching the same happy smile. No. No it could be. It was turned back better than checking behind her there was no one else. Shit was always the only girl on hold. Com. How was it possible?!
"I" he stammered bringing the index pointing at his chest.
"Yes sweetie you! Force strength, want to start filming soon, "she was taken to attention still incredulous, and had followed behind a door.
"But how can you excuse? I have not even spoken to him .. I do not understand ... "
" Honey .. slipped this, soon I come to comb your hair and makeup. Do not ask questions you have chosen, get ready to explode! "He said leaving the room.
her? But they were sure of what they were doing?
The door behind him and was reopened Thiana had made his entrance like a graceful butterfly.
"Then Emily .. excited? We look forward to death to see you "
And now he had to say? He smiled embarrassed considering the fact that he had no idea he had to do.
"I did not understand very well what will be my role as nobody has yet explained to me .. I do not have to dance right? "she asked hesitantly while the other girl would laugh.
"No! You do not need to dance, then I'll help you, for tomorrow we only a few scenes, then we will leave you with a video small movements that you learn anything difficult, if they can do that I will achieve it have a trunk too great "
Oh! Perfect! And she was the trunk? She danced and moved sinuously also standing still! He firmly
contested the suit still had not even looked at him and he breathed deeply.
"Do not worry baby, we'll enjoy it a lot. We are a close-knit group, you'll feel right at home .. Be a part Ode. He is a bit like a 'silent, but it's a good guy. Do not be frightened by him. "
Ode .. was that guy who had no choice. Here's what they said first their two ears! They talked about her! He made a mental chuckle thinking back to what he had seen her, that there was an erotic charge. Or maybe there was not at that time. Oh well! They were things that concerned her. He was running behind the screen to change while Thiana sang in front of the mirror.
It was changed in a hurry while she was still busy in front of the mirror and pulling a brow that was annoying chatter happily with her.
"The guy with the comb is Pin, is our drummer and out like a balcony, will meet him and see how many will make you laugh, while the other, the one with blue hair is called Isaac and is the bass player. He is the most normal of the three, well I obviously made the comparison more regular eh?! But between the three is Isaac and you can make a sensible discourse without being interrupted by burps or farts "
Emily laughed at that statement because in fact the first impression was just that.
She did not know what to say because of his shyness and then had merely to look at her and nodded confident.
"You, because you are in Los Angeles?"
Emily had to do a quick count on the fingers. "A couple of weeks, my parents are in Miami, but I needed a change of scenery and a bit off 'the plug from that life."
"You came here to crown your dream eh?" She asked Thiana blusher brush with the pink cheeks.
"Well yes - he admitted, blushing - I'd say that, if fails then I doubt that I shut off my home
" It 's obvious, well then this video is a springboard for you. I had been right. I do not know why, but first impressions are always important and I liked you immediately. We made the right choice by choosing, at least we are assured that we will give it all "
had looked through the mirror and smiled. "I like that dress you are, I'm going to call the Janie and thus helps with makeup and hair"
He then disappeared back into the studio with the other guys leaving her alone with her thoughts. That chat put her back in a good mood, he was right Thiana, had to go all out that day and even if she had to dance .. Well the devil would have danced!
After half an hour of endless "makeup and wigs," where Janie had pulled her hair to pull a dozen, had re-emerged more confident.
The boys were already in position. The drummer, Pin, struck with great force the sticks on the drums, Isaac teased the strings of his bass to the rhythm and Thiana and the scary guy, I think it was called Ode, were back to back. She sang in their song playback, and he with his eyes closed played guitar as if it were really focused and was playing to an audience of infinite people, but what had caught was a blond hair that had moved behind a camera.
Oh Matthew Burdman, his agent was there straultra cool! It probably was there for her! Wanted to scream with joy! It was even more beautiful than he remembered and those teeth! Damn! It had to be given the number of your dentist! He wanted the perfect teeth too!
beat time to the music, while shaking hands outstretched legs beat his quadriceps, which she wanted to bite. Well ok. He was exaggerating, and if he had seen staring at him in that way it would surely have denounced by stalking. He had approached
trying not to make any noise and zigzag through the various cameras coming from behind. Oh how he wished he had done to her! Slowly
had laid a hand on my shoulder to do sometimes forget that Janie had just tanned to whisk away.
Yeah. In addition to having pulled her hair, had told her about what was based on the video.
The main character was a high-ranking woman, is interpreted Emily, listening to a song that he would return with the memory of his adolescence.
The video would open with Emily with uncombed hair and makeup smeared into tears, wondering how it was transformed over the years.
Janie told her that the video was mainly shot in a classroom, where she was supposed to make mad. Jumping on tables and dumps everything and scream the words of the chorus, chorus that would have had to learn quick. So
had entirely made up and coiffed to be calculated as an escaped from the asylum as he looked back.
had indeed rubbed eyes to see her tanned well but then smiled. "You're perfect," she whispered to avoid disturbing evidence of the recording was in progress.
"perfect six"?? but what the hell he was saying?! He was a walking sucks! It smelled of hairspray miles away, and his face was almost all black. Of course, Janie had done a great job, but if it had been tanned perfect thing would have said so when he would view as she shot?! Because sooner or later we would be put to him, perhaps even at the Oscars, where she would have won the award for best actress. Well, ok he was wandering in his thoughts, as usual, but it was not something so absurd!
She had smiled and then said they had both turned to watch the boys play.
Although it was the first time I heard that song already had been printed, it would take just to learn it and it was also very nice! Maybe he would have bought the CD and then if he would autograph the fact, why not? Basically, it was changed in the same room with the singer of the group just a few minutes before ...
When the lights were turned off and the music was over the three guys in the band, except that it seemed Ode malmostoso taciturn and had begun to blow in cerchio tenendosi per mano urlando un “Evvai sarà il video più bello della storia” seguito da altri schiamazzi che ad Emily erano sfuggiti.
Proprio Thiana si era avvicinata a lei con gli occhi ricolmi di gioia. “Sei perfetta!”
Aridaje.. ce l’avevano con sto perfetta! Era un mostro! Come potevano anche solo pensarlo?! Emily si era guardata cominciando dai piedi arrivando fin dove la vista le permetteva e poi aveva fatto una smorfia. “Sembro scappata da un manicomio”
“E’ proprio quello we want! The protagonist must be desperate to want to go back to his adolescence, when she wore boots and stockings torn and smoked crack in the school bathrooms "
" Well, not quite as educational video .. how can a high-ranking lady want to go back to drugs? "Emily had asked his finger under his chin.
"She does not want to go back to drugs, she wants to escape the life that has been created because it is not his!" He replied with interest Thiana, but Emily still could not be too confident. Well
not have replied, where to concentrate and get into character. If it was so that she would have wanted done with the exception of the drug course, that even with such commitment would not be able to do so.
It was then going away to sit in the chair on which would begin shooting. Shit, so far as convenient! We could sleep on, paid no attention to the costs Lofthouse's eh?!
He had hidden his face in his hands, while the director was looking down from head to foot.
"Brava so, depressed, sad!"
"Sorry?" she asked looking at him with eyes wide open.
"I liked the pose - he said placing the thumb and forefinger of his right hand on the left-hand forming a rectangle and looking through - it was thoughtful, she was thinking to herself" What the hell
babbling that? She was just thinking of what to do and grimaces that would take, had not yet entered in the damn him! He had distracted and now he must start over. Puffing
had assumed the same pose. I must be desperate. Do I hate my life, I want to escape from the perfect world that surrounds me. There no one stares at me, throw away the shyness and shame and isolated from the world Emily, you can do thought to himself.
In the background was made from the song. Perfect! It was slow and sad. The voice of Thiana echoed between the walls and only the accompaniment of guitar playing below her.
I sucks this world - kept thinking while his hands had gone to the hair from her face that now gripped in a fist - I want my old life, I hate these clothes. I hate my friends. I hate my hair is perfect, I want even more disheveled, I would snatch them away with my own hands
He stood up to the rhythm of the words of the song that had become heavier. They had come into play the drums and bass, electric guitar as the notes were always the toughest. He followed those few words you remember hearing a little earlier. Still with his eyes closed he had also raised his head and arching his body thrown al'indietro back in no time to be herself when she heard a muffled silence wrap.
shooting had opened his eyes and looked at all shocked.
Ok there was no need to make those faces! It was just the beginning. There was feeling he was not so straightforward!
"Siiiiiiiiiiiii" yelled Thiana jumping on the spot.
"Fuck is you!" He added Pin pointing a wand in his direction
What! What the hell? "It was just a test" that plan had intimidated by all the attention. Matthew also looked speechless.
"It 's perfect. Were you sad rifacciamola film! "Said the blue-haired boy, Isaac, the director who nodded happily. So
had begun to turn. He was found shortly after the merger and turned and listened to that song more than words learned, the more he felt a desperation that had nothing to do with that world.
Without even realizing it had turned the real beginning of the video and she finally started her career. Officially!
were also able to make a probable final piece. The same old woman left the scene walking and leaning against a wall with blood - thank goodness fake or not she could bear it - that dripped from his arm. Well
certainly it was only a beginning, but damn that great start! He was excited by the idea of having to learn new death scenes. Now he remembered how he felt every time someone had taken it around that stupid dream. No one had ever understood anything about her! She was born to play and there were stories that take!
He spent the rest of the day talking to the boys. He listened to their ideas on how it should be this mysterious woman, the feelings that he should try. She had given a script of what would have happened in the video, then of course to fit the scene better outputs would have thought the director of which still did not even know the name, would have called "the director plump" as he had a belly that touched his groin. He also laughed and joked with them, or better, with three of them, Ode as he was on his own and had not even spoken to half a second. The only thing I did was a nod at the end of the morning of the shooting, then was left in a corner with his guitar playing random notes.
When they arrived five in the afternoon and had sat down he felt the weariness invade relax completely. If God was tired. He had not physical effort and yet it was destroyed. He had seen all away at home, was left alone with the band members who ate the leftovers from lunch and joked with each other.
did not want to invade their privacy, had gone quickly and try to change their hair and soon was back in the recording studio ready to greet them.
"Ah well you run away like hell?" Isaac asked her throwing a biscuit in his mouth
"Well, I should say here that I can not do anything else, I go home to rest and to study the pieces for tomorrow," he respondents indicating a trash stuff they gave him.
After greeting them, all except Ode which obviously had not the slightest calculated, was heading out to the bus stop would back home.
When he had finally touched the bed had collapsed into a deep sleep with his clothes still on him.
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