Title: A Warm Place
Fandom: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Character / Couple:
Gendo / Rei
Rating: R + +
Word Count: ~ 2300 Warning:
age difference is not negligible, avoided if the idea of a pairing adult / adolescent makes you shudder, and be proud of having a mental health that I have not! Ah, of course spoiler for a while 'everything Evangelion, say, even if I wrote it mostly on the basis of Death & Rebirth and The End of Evangelion . However, it is a fic absolutely sick.
. Prompt that had brought me, so I sing and I play it alone, keeping the tradition of using this festival to give the worst of me O__O;;
Ah, the title is taken from A Warm Place Nine Inch Nails . Ascolatela?
Gendo Ikari is used to the idea of not being loved. It 's more convenient. It 's more clean. would be nice to say that this is so only when Yui is dead, but the truth is that Yui was the exception, not the rule. The only one that had elongated his hand to cross the invisible barrier that separates men from each other, and that Gendo Ikari is thick and hard as a calcification of years old. That was not to last. Gendo has cried his tears and it was done for a reason.
Rei's appearance is incidental and unavoidable. Only genes Yui could ensure the success of the experiment, and not having met his wife before turning twenty, Gendo able to look objectively on the little girl with red eyes. The same as EVA, is a living being, but an empty shell waiting to be filled a rational consciousness, a soul can feel. A talking doll. "Are you able to take care of you?" Calls Fuyutsuki.
"It requires a lot of attention," Gendo replied.
Gendo's son was sent to her father's house for a summer. In reality there is only ten days. Gendo spends all his time to the headquarters where Shinji is not permitted to enter, or so they say. The First Children living in a room that smells of the hospital, and every now and then if the door behind Gendo, and shows the other girls like her that are floating in the primordial soup.
"So you can never get hurt." ***
"spend more time with that little girl with me."
"It will be our first pilot. It 'just that knows what's going on here."
Bullshit. You do it just because it is equal to Yui. "
speak in front of Rei as if she was there, and do not listen to Rei blinks even once.
was not destined to last.
"Gendo" Ritsuko says cautiously putting on "do you think is really the case that Rei continue to live here? The're sending to school and everything, but never develop a personality if he continues to live in a laboratory. "
" Are you suggesting that I should take it home? "
" It's not our priority. Rei is just - "
" pilot the EVA, I know, "says Ritsuko darkly. Gendo does not turn to look at her when she leaves.
Gendo enters the room for the first time Ayanami after a while. 'Maybe it's not for months. Things have changed, in a way ordinary, predictable, but nevertheless it by surprise. They are made which are not expert.
Rei grew. Rei is no longer a child. Rei is really
It 's the bare room of someone who has no interests, no thoughts. There's nothing like it there because
Rei, only the bare essentials. Gendo, reluctantly, I almost feel admiration. Would be.
"Ah, Rei. I came to check that nothing was wrong."
Rei tilts his head slightly to one side, and then comes forward to place the folder on a table. There are patches of sweat just visible on the jumpsuit, on his school uniform.
"We have reason to believe that you must take action soon. Two or three months. We hope to get to work with other Children."
Rei nods. His face is a mask of Noh theater.
"How do you feel in school? Communicate with your teammates? Do you think you can work with your peers? "
" If you tell me how to do, I will. "Gendo
"Rei. We wondered if he should let you have more experience with the outside world. For example, you could go and live in a real home, rather than be in this cell. With a family or a guardian. " 's Shadow
something goes into the girl's eyes." It 's you my guardian? "What began as a statement ends up as a question, and something inside Gendo twists, unexpected. "I'm your superior."
"I understand."
Rei has passed to go around the bed and began to undress for the shower. It is not the first time that Gendo sees naked, has always looked, or thought to look, with a clinical eye, and was never concerned that it grew dark about the most normal rules of social life, such as decency. Or order. Rei drops clothes with the utmost indifference.
Gendo now see why it can not find a reason not to. Yui's breasts were heavy with pregnancy, but when he had met were so small and firm, to be covered by a hand.
Rei Ayanami is completely naked, standing beside the bed, without betraying any emotion. The scene looks like something out of the flyer advertising a hotel in Bangkok hours.
"Ayanami in the future do not undress in front of other people. And 'deemed inappropriate."
"Yes," said Rei, and after a pause he adds, without any inflection: "You mean I can undress in front of her?"
"Yes," Gendo replied, without thinking, a moment in advance of its rationality.
"I'm going to wash myself," Rei announces, as if everything were perfectly normal, as if they had discussed the time.
Ritsuko felt the slight change, such as a vibration in the air, when he is with Gendo that night. The fuck from behind, hard. Not that it never happened, but. But
Rei Ayanami and Yui is the same as it does everything that Gendo said.
The logic is compelling.
Gendo let things happen. Let others gradually svuotino headquarters. Let the work is piled on her desk and having to stay overtime. Ritsuko let go for a drink with Katsuragi. Let there be silence and solitude, and no one to blame but himself.
"Ayanami. Rei," says his door.
"E 'come to see me."
"Yes." Gendo closes the door behind him and there is no other light than that, weak, on the night of Rei. The girl is sitting on the bed, looking at him waiting for orders.
"You asked if you could continue to undress in front of me."
"He said yes."
Rei obeys. Unbuttoning my nightgown with aseptic precision, and Gendo's sex this swelling. This time is different. She sits on the edge of the bed, trying not to tremble. And 'as if it had entered into a locked room for years, the point of no longer being able to recognize it as his home.
"Vieni qui, Rei. Siediti sulle mie ginocchia."
Quando Rei esegue l'ordine, Gendo si prende un momento per guardarla da vicino: non c'è nemmeno un accenno di acne giovanile sulla sua pelle (liscia, tiepida), eppure sotto all'odore di disinfettante gli pare di sentire qualcosa di più acre, terreno. Il volto immobile di Rei non ha nulla della dolcezza di quello di Yui, eppure è identico, praticamente un plagio. Gendo non sa decidere cosa vuole vedere, se la donna o la bambola.
"I do not work that way. You must do what I do." Again, we ask Gendo, Rei does not know how to do it because it is a mannequin with no human emotions or because it is only a little girl grew up in the dark? This time it's easy to choose the option that allows him to move on without too much hate, and Rei, more efficient, responding to the kiss, mimicking his own desire.
"Yes" Gendo said against her lips. "Yes, well, Yui," he adds softly. Rei does not seem to detect the error, only to kiss him again, the last trick learned, the last ability gained. Gendo asked whether he connected what he does with the pressure insistent against his thigh. He began to touch her, and not surprised to find it still dry. Coldly, trying to remember if it is subjected to gynecological exams, and whether it is plausible, if there were any questions, blaming some enterprising classmate too. The
raises his arms (Yui was not much heavier than it is willing to bet that soon Ayanami stop growing in height) and makes ridistendere on the bed. He could ask her to undress, to touch, but should have step by step guide, and discovered that it did not want to hear the commentary of his own weakness. Must end, must remove the thought puts his hands on his knees and spreads her legs. Meekly Rei does. Reacts only with a small grimace when he gets inside, and then stays with the same distant expression, motionless, while Gendo, still fully dressed, does what he must do, murmuring the name of Yui, Rei looked but could not really see it.
When he returns home, Gendo Ikari swears to himself that he will not ever again, it's wrong at all levels, and that this is not the function
of Children First. Yet when Rei sees the next day at work, knows that she will return. Will find it already naked.
So the next night.
And the next.
There is a new sparkle Rei's eyes when he sees it. Gendo asks if you know it just him. Is it possible to perceive a glimmer of happiness
soul off of Children First.
She is inside. Yui, even before you stop the pill, always preferred it to do so.
So I'll take you inside me for a while '
, he said with a smile, pretending to be white.
Ayanami You can not think that such a thing. Does not have the emotional and psychological baggage to succeed. Yet shakes her thighs around his waist he put it in without ever asked. He presses his face against his chest as if to feel his heart beating. He
he takes her face in her hands, forcing her to look at him, forcing himself to look at. There is a lively girl's rosy cheeks, beads of sweat on his forehead the hair stick. Gendo Rei feels the sex of contract and pulsate, an unexpected reaction, too late, that rips a groan and squeeze the last drops out of him.
Gendo abort her. Frantically, looking for his clothes - he had been unaware, when they began to bring down a barrier that trivial as clothing, that this would not lead to anything good. No, should have known from the beginning. Watch the corners of Rei, still naked and decomposed above the covers, which follows him with her eyes.
"I'm cold," he says softly.
"Cover," Gendo replied through clenched teeth.
The dolls are not cold. The dolls do not need to have next to none.
When it turns back to her, the girl is under the sheets, fixing the ceiling. Like a corpse in a morgue. "Rei" Gendo said by a single step towards her, "what we did is not right. Do not ever afford to do so. This is a final order."
The move sees only the eyes, a hint of confusion that can move the features. I've always been there, these subtle changes in its surface property? Or is it all came after
"I understand," he says. Gendo nods. "Yes, Rei." And then: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Yui."
"I thought that sending Ayanami to live outside might be a good compromise," Gendo said without looking up from his computer. "To help develop its own autonomy, but without excessive external stimuli. The school is already more than enough for that."
"I knew that sooner or later you'd understand. It is not appropriate a girl of her age, even in her condition, to stay here all the time. "
" Hmmm. "
" I know you remember Yui, I for one see the resemblance. But it's not her. "
" I know very well, "said Gendo, immovable. Inwardly Fuyutsuki is sure he understood, but it betrays nothing. It 'no use to ruin something that is already finished. That was not intended to last. In any event, the third impact is imminent. He just needs to be patient and Yui find himself not to leave again.
In his empty apartment, surrounded only by the noise of the shipyards, Rei Ayanami is lying naked on the bed, looking up ahead, seeing something that is not there. She covers her belly with her hands, and watching closely you could almost see a smile.
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