Title: Three is a crowd
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character / Couple:
James / Lily / Sirius
NC17 2
Word Count: ~ 3300
Warning: Hmmm, then: adultery, pregnant! sex, hatesex, threesome, angst in spades. Rate of fluff: nonexistent Notes:
. I took the part that says "p0rn" very seriously this time.
Lily wonders if James has ever realized that she can not stand Sirius. Probably not, or - but not even want to think about it - just do not care. The point is that the Christmas lunch, the first in the new house in Godric's Hollow, James asked Sirius to be the godfather to the child to be born next summer. Giving for granted that she would agree. Lily was able to rest until evening, when preparing to go to bed. "I really like Sirius, eh?" she says, point blank, buttoning her pajamas.
"Because thou has made the proposal without asking first. Maybe I should have a say, do not you think?"
James can not help but laugh. "These are things that anyone could even tell me."
"Yes?" Well, I will not boast "Lily exclaims, pulling the blankets on their backs and girandogli" but if you say that there is no choice, no choice, I suppose. "
Apparently, Lily seems to drop the subject. The next day he acts as if nothing had happened, and James is relieved. I do not think more, until the first of the year when Sirius comes to their house for tea after partying the night before. And not the least alarmed when Lily starts a fuse, and all three are sitting in the living room, cups of tea in hand and the Christmas tree that will flash on background.
"I have not yet said, Sirius, how
glad that you do as godfather to our baby."
"O child," says James. Most of us hoped, in a female. Sirius shrugs . "In any case, I bet a lot of fun," he says. "I'm not sure I could make such a step, have a son, that is, but I see my uncle's role in comedy."
"You hear that, James?" Lily smiles, turning to her husband "I almost could say the same about you."
"No," said Sirius, "James definitely has his head on his shoulders ... compared to me, at least."
"Dunno, I do not know," said Lily "I sometimes look so similar that I can hardly distinguish one from another. Actually, Hubby says, giving a pat on the knee to James" you refresh my memory, how come I started with you and not with Sirius, here? "
James makes a wry smile and Sirius is also puzzled by the cup in the air.
'E' again to that story, right? Sirius - "James said, turning to his friend" - not to notice. And 'angry because we did not discuss the past twenty years to choose as godfather. " Turned back to Lily. "You could do without pretending that the issue was closed. What does Sirius now? Why do you make a scene?"
Calmly, Lily stood up.
"You have always assumed that I liked your friends. But I was never really part of your club for boys only. You, too, Sirius. You can say out loud that deep down you hate me because I messed up the balance, I took your favorite playmate. "
Lily touched a raw nerve, and he knows it. It makes a triumphant smile.
" But if it is true that you love James, "he says, mellifluous" then you should adore me too, because he adores me. And 'This is his logic. You should please me because he likes you. "Turn her head to look at James over his shoulder, posing in a parody of a wink." You see a little 'if you like this. " slides, quick as a cat on Sirius's lap and kisses him.
Sirius, at first, too shocked to respond, but just the language of Lily clashes with his teeth, is already ready to surrender. Just then - it was a matter of seconds - Lily feels a tug on his arm, throw up a force to be James.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he says, more incredulous than angry. "What the fuck ...
"Why, you never wanted to kiss him?" she says ironically. "But I suppose that your, uh, I'll prevent machismo, eh?" Look here, "says Lily approached his lips to her" there is still his saliva, if you hurry. "
"Enough is enough, Lily" Sirius says behind her. He too stood up and Lily is closed between the two men. Her heart was beating fast, do not even know why she has put on this sort of pantomime, except that it has a rage inside that somehow has to come out. It's not just the shallowness of James on the matter of the godfather, you also have nineteen years, and may already be married and pregnant and not prepared to accept all its
of the person you will spend your life.
"Why not?" Lily says doing shrugs. "I've already said I do not like you, Sirius. James would have no reason to be jealous. Do not you leave some for you. But I tried to put myself in his shoes. And if I were in his shoes, I will - "brakes for a moment before he could say" - I fuck you. "
James makes a choked laugh." You jokes, Lily. But his jokes so much. "
" Why should I play? "Says Lily." Think about it, James. In a few months the baby will be born. There will be no time for fun, let alone in a way like this. "Look at Sirius while concluding sentence, because he knows that this, rather than an enemy, it will be an ally. He sees it already, the spark of interest in his eyes . He knows he is loyal to James, but he also knows that it is shallow enough to think, well, if you
agrees, what's wrong?
see James and Sirius are set above his head, and reluctantly picks up excessively to the idea that yes,
could also argue for her and James always says that they never really did, even after the crap that Sirius combined sending Snape to the Whomping Willow. Lily knows it's a miserable thought, but it feels like an animal in need to mark their territory - and Sirius can not be always ahead of her. Remember too well how badly he had done, felt insulted by Severus because he wanted to please those bastards of his friends, he has sworn to herself that she would not be repeated again.
" I think ... I think Lily is right, "said Sirius (
)." It will be a thing of no consequence, like the old days. " " Hear, hear, "says Lily tinker with the collar of Sirius, how to fix it" There are a lot of things that James never told me, about us before we put together. "
" I ... "James mutters. Lily knows that she has won. buried his face in the crook of the neck of Sirius, inhaling the smell, a mixture of aftershave, soap, and fabric softener for delicate items. It can feel your arms as if to say to James, what can I do?. Sirius bends his head to talk straight in the face Lily, breathing on his lips
"There is nothing of which you have to worry about" whispers "James only has eyes for you." "And for you" can not help but say, Lily, Sirius, but this time only to smile, and slipped on the arrow and the kisses. It 's easy to forget that he is an idiot at this point, because this
, this is something he can do very well, and Lily thinks that after all is only logical, because if she was as beautiful as Sirius Black, Sirius Black as a rich, and no real ambitions as Sirius Black, would not do nothing but fuck, and it would be so happy. As if to confirm
, Sirius squeezed him, and Lily warns, separate the erection pressing through his jeans. E 'on what he feels James behind her, almost as excited, begins to kiss her neck, ear, putting her hands between her and Sirius to grab her breasts, possessive. Lily seems that there is an inch of space between her and the two boys, and maybe it's the truth. Twists his neck to kiss James, and Sirius feels unbutton his pants and reached into his underwear.
Sky, James, your wife is wet . Fortuna who do not like me, "said Sirius, Lily, and also feel the hand of James sneak while Sirius is still there.
"Hmm, that's true," her husband tells her ear. "I think there are a lot of things I do not even have told you." Lily does not respond. He had not expected it to end well, and when she realized the direction it was taking things, had not foreseen that she would have liked so much. Still want that this will backfire against James and Sirius, in some way. Most importantly, he now wants to stop.
for a while 'just keep kissing them in turn, affect them while under their clothes. Four hands. Do not know if she is to be at their mercy now, or if he has in hand. But do not forget the ultimate goal, it is dedicated to Sirius first, unbuttoning his pants, caressing the hard sex and hot through cotton underwear.
"Look, I'm not breaking mica," he says, amused, shaking his hand on his. James has his sweater raised to Lily, squeezing her tits out of bra Lily deliberately ignores and slides down on his knees, bringing the face in front of the sex of Sirius-free clothes with a casual gesture more than she expected. Think about what must be going through the head of James, who goes to see her lips, slowly, over the entire length of the cock of his best friend, leaving you with the tip of your tongue traces of saliva on the skin thin vein. Lily did not miss a beat - she opens her mouth and makes us enter as much as possible of Sirius, which is not easy, and this, after all, the excessive self-esteem explains a lot of the boy. I hear a moan, hips instinctively reach out in front, and the breath-taking. But Lily does not give up, and more. Sirius tastes good, and she is determined to go on for a long time. "Enough," James said from somewhere behind him, and Lily feels his hands on the cheeks that pull back again, it would be almost tempted to protest, rather meekly withdraws, turns on itself, and puts the tongue in the mouth of James, so that now, feel the taste of Sirius, like it or not. He also has his pants unbuttoned, you probably touched watching the scene, and pull the shirt over his head. Out of the corner of the eye, Sirius sees Lily sitting on the sofa and began to undress himself. You start to get serious.
James pushes Lily to his friend, until she sits down in his lap. James kneels down and pulls down his pants, while Sirius, the cuddling, kissing her shoulders. Lily feels moving against her ass and think you have to understand where he's aiming for. "No," he says, with a minimum of apprehension that he does not escape. The boy makes a giggle.
"Hold on a moment, then," he says, and Lily prop his feet on the carpet, giving Sirius, sufficient freedom to understand, James's eyes upon them.
god," Lily said between his teeth, sagging sex on Sirius. He is back to support him. "Stand still, we do the work," he says, cheek to cheek, and James, on his knees between their legs, begins to lick the clitoris, while Sirius is moving under her, more slowly than Lily would like. But it is already on the brink of orgasm, and not helped by the fact that when Sirius finally decided to increase the pace, Lily is so sure that half of licking and sucking James really going to end up on the environment. It 's a thought that blows my mind, for various reasons, and is almost too soon for his liking, violently, emitting some sound dull, inarticulate. James feels the lips go up, along the belly, chest, spreading his moods. The lascivious kisses, and now Sirius is moving just below her, and then leave when James sits beside them.
"Do you," he says, pulling down Lily from her womb "I want to take."
"You're a fucking voyeur, Black" James said between half-jokingly, taking Lily in his arms, and this time she has to crawl back on the couch to enjoy it with your mouth. It is not as large as Sirius but there is the undeniable advantage of knowing exactly what he likes. With the corner of his eye, he sees Sirius sprawl in the chair, doing nothing except watch them, and she looks at him, his number one competitor. Sente a saporin salty, and watching James raises his head quizzically. He is peering carefully.
"I'll let? Hey, Lily?" He murmured. Lily blinked, it takes a while to understand. She sits up, looking at James first, then Sirius.
"Come here, too," says Lily, Sirius and obeys. Lily realizes that he had never really seen
, and must admit that it is beautiful, without artifice, at ease in their bodies in a way that neither she nor James will never be.
He does lay on the couch, and as he bends to retrieve it in the mouth, Lily stretches your buttocks toward James. "You plan, you simply say, and the fingers of James, wet with saliva, are already beginning to work. Lily uncontrollable apprehension test at this point. Move your head up and down with irregular rhythm, waiting for the moment in which James will penetrate - and behold, it happened, and not the end of the world, but it is not easy
. Lily has to let go of Sirius and fists on the fabric of the sofa, her lips tightening. He realizes that Sirius is not looking at her, but James behind him, bending his neck and sees that James has the eyes of those planted in Sirius, as it starts to slowly move inside her, finding the right angle.
This passes the physical discomfort in the background, and Lily knows she has to raise the stakes, bringing all at a point of no return. He gets up carefully, putting on his knees for a moment when James slips out of her.
"Sirius," she smiles, once again wearing the mask of the seductress, the praying mantis. Oh, really wants to be, wants the two of them, James and his boyfriend's heart, did not care at all, would only use them to enjoy it and then throw them away. But the point is that the matter
. For this is what he does. Because he knows that there will be consequences. Sirius approached, gently kissing her nipples, but she is sure that he already knew everything. Lily hesitated no longer, makes it clear: "I want to fuck me together, "and enjoys the lustful gleam in the eyes of Sirius, and that residual confusion that you will find yourself on the face of James, if only to turn around. Ah, there are things that still do not know her. Lily has married after coming to terms with many of its flaws. At times it gives the impression that James is in love more than anything else 's idea
her, and that's not how things should go.
must understand.
So Lily accelerated. This is me, take it or leave it.'s now or never.
the end have to make do on the carpet in order to succeed, all three, to find a place in the human that node. James is almost Sirius still while Lily starts to move in, which is again wet, even more so now that you realize how thin is the barrier between the two men. It 'sure that they too feel, that somehow Sirius feels the pressure of sex on the other side of James, ah, especially now that he has started to push himself.
Lily feels the limits of their physical endurance, the muscles that are stretched a single mass, the pleasure and pain become a single nucleus, which is untenable. He can not wait to finish, that would never end. For long moments, he has no thought of any sort, just an obsession of being filled out and enjoy it. He will have plenty of time to feel dirty and guilty, if you will.
Just a minute - almost simultaneously Sirius and James to change position slightly, propped on one elbow, the other crossing her legs to her - and Lily is the second time, with a silent cry, clinging blindly to the shoulder of Sirius, plant nails in the flesh. James is the first to follow her, and Lily feels distinctly warm inside his sketch of himself, is not out yet but Sirius increased the pace, he now so dazed with pleasure - this situation - not being able to be anything but brutal, frantic. Does it come in, long, and when both the boys came out to her, Lily draws them to himself to kiss them.
And so it happens, what she had hoped and feared together, the language of James that darts into the mouth of Sirius, and you there, a few inches from their faces, sated and starved together.
James is already in bed when Lily leaves the bathroom, in a cloud of pink soap and flannel. Sirius is gone immediately after being coated, before the heat of sex completely subside, leaving the way embarrassment. James was grateful to him, he was not sure it would still be able to endure his presence today, for what it revealed about Lily and him. He looked Lily, still naked, sprawled on the sofa, drenched with sweat and stained with semen, watching him with those eyes bright as steel. E ora eccola who climbs on the bed in his pajamas transformed, as if nothing happened, nothing could be further from the voracious female who had been up an hour earlier.
"... Do you think we hurt the baby?" Can only ask him. It 's the first thing you say since Sirius is gone. Lily shrugs. "I do not see how. The doctor had said there was no problem." He begins to rub the cream on your hands with maddening slowness, and James is both mesmerized and disgusted watching the slimy, whitish lotion that penetrates the skin. "Maybe we should ask Remus to be the godfather," he says cautiously. Lily stops and looks at him, raising his eyebrows.
"No, at this point that's okay," he says. "Or are you afraid that some of us have acquired a taste?"
James looks at her, frowning. "More than anything, I guess it could be embarrassing."
"It just depends on you, James. I'm sure Sirius is no stranger to such experiences, as for me," he says, screwing the cap of cream jar "I think you are so similar that it is not worth to get the horns with your spiritual counterpart. " He reaches to turn off the light. "It's up to you to deal with what you have done today, whatever it is. Good night."
"Good night," says James, but the minutes pass and he knows that sleep will not take if it is not the most obvious question and urgency: "Why
, Lily?"
There's a moment of silence.
And James knows that there is nothing else to add.
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