A new episode of this tormented generation, Enjoy it to the end.
And of course I again thank the owners of the characters
And a kiss to all of you who are my fleas!
The following weeks were really tough. Every morning I got up to go to class and the afternoon I was studying and preparing for exams, despite the many things I knew already.
My friend was away. When we were together, laughing and joking, but most did not notice the happiness on his face and the will to live that I had found the first few days. Maybe it was because Gian do not even greeted when he crossed over in the corridors, and especially do not ever see him alone. He was always surrounded by girls. And even though she had said that was not the right guy, I was increasingly convinced that they are wrong. They loved each other, and I was increasingly convinced. I saw her, his eyes, his face light up every time you were in the same room. I saw him look and then turn around as soon as caught. Behaved like teenagers and I would not have allowed my only friend, to suffer for this stupid.
So one night, while watching television alone in the sitting area froze.
"John, sorry, can I talk for a minute?" I told him as he passed as often accompanied by a girl who looked at me wrong.
I saw that he greeted her and placing his hand on his arm finally came up to me.
"Hey, baby Callie, how are you?" His voice was joyless
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"You're the first who asks me know? - Asked smiling - I think not good ... "he sighed
He frowned and noticed that it formed a small wrinkle that I found funny.
I wanted to straighten his finger.
"It is good to see you so angry - I told him - deals with this situation"
"Do not listen to more of your advice - I said laughing and looking into my eyes - the last time look what you've done & rdquo ; added, still smiling.
"You know that was the right thing to do, otherwise you'd never done. Good heavens Gian ... if you want to fight you! " I said shaking
just seemed to talk to a wall. Received no stimulation, not fighting .. even he looked more like the guy who I had met the first day. So I took my courage in both hands and told him what I thought really. I opened for the first time a boy.
"I love her. We love to madness, and try to bury this beautiful passion. You're both idiots! With her, this is a taboo that I would like at least you give me a moment to feel the same. I love her. I know but just .. I love her, I'm fond of. E despite not even know you ... well now I want you too. She was just afraid you do not understand? He's afraid you might hurt the, that would leave .. and I envy you. I envy you so much.
you this feeling that you keep locked inside your heart so deep ... and so beautiful. It must be wonderful to love someone and be paid .. I. .. I envy you .. then go to her and fight for her. Live for yourself .... Love one another as only two of you can do. In light of the sun, hidden .. anything you like. Vivetevela But, why waste all that you feel for each other, it makes me angry as hell! " I said then, standing up standing taken by my speech.
I saw him looking at me like I'm an alien, but even then did not answer and after a few seconds he just rearranging the dirt floor.
"John, go! Do not sit around feeling sorry for himself. Stop pretending that it's not there ... "
" The nerd is right, "Will's voice came from behind me but I turned around, and continued undaunted in my persuasion.
"The love?" Then asked point-blank
"Of course I do .." said
sad "So What the fuck are you still doing here? Go to her not! The girl here you are also giving the room "again broke in Will. Gian
looked at me and smiled. That smile had not seen for a while. That look again full of hope. He got his head and kissed me again I said "Thank you" whispered, then turned to his friend as more and more beautiful than ever.
"Thanks to you also saw a half," he said giving him a little tap on the arm.
I sat puffing. I had lost the most romantic film, where Jack and Rose on the bow of the Titanic they exchanged the kiss so sweet and romantic.
"Oh why did you talk about making love with him. You are immersed in the movie full of attitudes mawkish tear-jerker "said Will throwing a dead weight on the couch making me bounce on the other side, and stealing the remote control.
taken him blush a little with a slight smile and I hid under the seat, at least they would not have stolen.
I do not say anything just looked at me and making me comfortable and then settled down for the rest of the film company.
Despite that film, I knew him by heart by now, I immedesimai, as my usual, and towards the end I ran away a tear. I could not help it, was stronger than me.
"Let's just a movie," she said, placing his hands behind his head and stretching
"It 's so .... Sad
Rise giving me a little blow with the shoulder, it was my first contact I had with her body. A shiver ran through the back, as if I had snorted a draft on my neck. But as always, that our moment was destined to die immediately.
The girl with jet black hair that had thrown me out of my room on the first day he appeared as an ethereal vision in front of us and grinned Will.
"Hello Will, we're going to the bar you'd like to join?" Asked minimante without deigning a glance.
"Hello, Helena, do not stay here tonight to do to Callie that company was excluded from the room, maybe another time," said returning to watch the movie in my company, while I roll my eyes at her first and then on him.
"Oh .. - Said nervously, you do not want us no one in your room eh? "he added, turning to me
did not answer and I just looked at her timid shrug.
"You have to be a thorn in their side even if your only friend you want to room with her," said petty
"N.. No it's not that I want is ..." I tried to tell her
& ldquo , Yeah well, what you like. Will, if you get bored you know where to find us "he added disappearing without first launching a dirty look. As soon disappeared
view from my muscles relaxed and went to sit on the couch next to my personal Adonis.
"I really hate a lot eh?" I asked, making me come back with your head on your shoulders.
"yes Well .. I do not know what I did. Threw me out of my room on the first day and has taken a dislike to me now "I told him staying with his eyes glued to the screen
" Yes. he told me. Obviously in a more colorful. It 's really a girl without any sense .. "I was defending
"I. .. I thought it was your girlfriend "I said looking at him Rise
stealthily putting a hand over his face to cover her eyes.
"Me and her? But do you take me? "
definitely lost interest in the movie and I sat looking at him.
"We often see together .. I thought .. I know "I snapped him laugh again and crossing his arms to his chest.
"Well let's say that your speech that you made love with her first Gian can not be proven ... It 's nice, I do not doubt it but .. I do not like certain things he says or does .. making it inaccessible by my "
I shrugged my shoulders not understanding what he had tried to tell me .. that perhaps there was something between them only on the physical? That could never be because he was not even that stupid? That over time it is accustomed to his manner and would be able to love? No he deserved much more.
I was certainly aware that it was not me that "something more" but nice and kind as he was sure he had the row.
I saw him get up suddenly and I had a moment of sadness. Every time I could spend some time with him, always walked too fast, but this time fall back took me by the wrist and pulled me behind him.
I felt embarrassed, I did not know how to move .. if you move. Her skin in contact with mine. His hand holding my wrist and dragged me back.
"Where .. Where are we going? "I asked in face redder than ever
" I'll walk in the room, we have biology tomorrow and I have not studied yet ... I need your notes, "he said, turning slightly.
certainly noticed the redness on my face but said nothing, smiled sweetly and continued to drag on for several corridors.
"But wait - I could say freely - They will be inside talking to ... or do they have to do we can not enter. And then I have not finished watching Titanic "I added, turning her face toward the recreation area.
"I bet you went to our room - and he said, referring to Gian - probably spent the entire night together. You'll have to start with these blessed repetitions or the teacher rejects you, too, "he said with a wink.
I raised an eyebrow skeptically. "The professor I ever boccerà "
He gave me a pinch on the side making me jump nervously. Damn
bloodstream! Because every time I touched, or simply talking, I had become a pepper?
When I did come into my room, I noticed that he had been right. The light was turned off and there was not even the shadow of the passage of Gian or Michelle.
"Ok prepares the notes I'm going to get two beers," he said, closing the door behind him and disappeared from my sight.
I did not know how to behave. I was going to spend the next few hours with a guy who made me go crazy, whose perfume made me lose control. That same boy that I had as a companion to biology. That same boy that I was slowly losing her mind.
I knew that I am not in a fairy tale. I knew that between him and me there could never be anything but some time together to review biology.
But I thought that that moment never comes. When beginning the teacher told me to be his tutor was agitated, but I saw it as an impossible dream. An event that would never happen.
But I was there, standing in my room, waiting for him.
ready for him to learn everything I could. Courses in the bathroom and saw the tricks of Michelle placed in plain sight.
I got the instinct to wear makeup and my hair, but I limited myself to settle down for good spray and two drops of perfume behind the ears.
was not aware of it.
untied hair from that annoying ponytail and let them loose so that it would take a shape. Li
I pulled up that they were still wet and now taking a turn to say the least unwatchable ..
I made two braids and I quickly try to fiondai notes in his backpack, when I saw him come in with a crate of beer.
"And that should help you study?" I asked staring
He shrugged and started throwing a two cans.
"This I hold it for later, or I fall asleep while I explain the last lesson," I said just raising it and placing it on the bedside table, then took the chair from the desk of Michelle and went to mine, sitting down.
as I pulled out my usual all-sheet notebooks pens of every color and kind of looked at him. He drank beer in his prime and looked at me like I was crazy.
"I've already done the double notes for you - start handing the sheets put in order - and photocopied parts of the book that you have to study emphasizing the key parts of red, green and secondary, and blue .. What is it? "I asked as soon as I saw paint on his face looked frightened
" Beviamoci first beer together, I can not think to put me to study with you so well taken at 11 pm "I shook
head amused.
"I already know things, I just continued to do you a favor, but if you prefer, start from the beginning without notes or sheets emphasized," I said taking a beer from the box and opening it by drinking a shot put. He sat
putting a cigarette to his lips and I smiled.
"I'll teach you to drink beer, and teach me biology ..." he said then turn
We spent the next two hours to find the fun part of biology, as he took ricordandosela notes from another angle and I drank sip by sip shooting crap to make him laugh and learn.
"I'll get drunk every time we revise a whole is bloody matter?" I asked, draining the third starting to head in the air and not understand anything.
He moved a cowlick from his face discovering those eyes every time I enchanted and left me speechless.
I looked for a brief moment and then lowered his gaze to remain fixed at that dirt floors and full of cigarette burns Michelle, sliding back the tuft on his face.
The gesture was spontaneous. I do not know where I was. It was the beer that was acting, so taken by the time I took courage and gently moved the sprig's annoying when brushing your face.
did not move an inch, and suddenly I was hellishly hot.
He remained staring at a hole in the floor, definitely caused by my friend, and I needed to look into his eyes, or I would crazy.
very slowly, for fear of shooting would shift the places his hand under his chin and obbligai at me, so when the twisted face and smiles.
"I'll get drunk all the time?"
He looked at me deeply and took my hand caressing and then just get up.
'It's better to go now, "he said without really answering.
remained impassive anchored to the chair. What had I done? I had taken too much confidence?
I heard the door close but now my head was elsewhere. I was able to escape it by simply touching it. I had never come to that point.
"Stupid! Stupid beer! "I muttered to myself as a vague feeling of nausea took possession of my stomach.
I lay on the bed and tried to close his eyes to fool not to think that I had just done. What I got was? How could I make a similar gesture? I, I even afraid of my shadow.
At one point, I can not define how many minutes passed, everything began to spin around and I got the shock of vomiting, so I ran to the bathroom without even having the time to turn on the light.
I leaned against the wall with the back and hid his head between his knees crying, and then put up again.
I was not really used to drink and that night I had probably exaggerated.
"Callie? Callie Baby are you in the room? "I heard the happy voice of Michelle in the other room and with a grunt feces understand where I was.
"What do you do in the bathroom? EHU that smell .. you forgave? "asked their noses
With his head still between his legs ready to throw up again nodded.
probably took me her to bed because I opened my eyes finding myself in his arms, while she gently stroked my head.
"Sorry Michelle, how did it go?" My voice seemed to come from beyond
"Sorry for what? Everything went fine, but you tell me what happened? You drank all that beer alone? "He said, pointing to the table for stopping a second to caress
told her about my evening as best I could, starting from the meeting with Gian to find the toilet by sliding a tear when I got to the point of sad all that matter.
"Tomorrow I'll kill him, "said angry
" It 's my fault, I know that the beer would take me at this point ... "
gently rested his head and felt my smile.
"Little Callie .. I told you to leave him alone .. It 's a nerd, this is not to say it is not appealing, but is one that has not the slightest intention to engage ... "
" I do not want to commit - I told her - it's just that I wanted to touch the his face, and I managed to do away "
" Honey, deserve a love that knows no one who escapes after I made you drunk to study biology, "he said laughing and printing a kiss on the head.
"Tell me about yourself - the incalzai - Gian what did he say?"
He told me what it was romantic. To what had been their sweet kiss. How he had kissed and hugged all night. How many times she had whispered in his ear that he loved her and how important it was for him to have her at his side. To what was beautiful, and as their lips meet and intersect each other perfectly.
"Thank you - I whispered at the end of the story while I was slowly falling into a deep sleep with a terrible headache - if you were not there in my life, I do not know where to turn "
" I am happy to have helped "muttered then collapsing in his sweet embrace.
The next morning I did not go to class. Not so much for the face instead of the zombie I saw my reflection, but because the headache and stomach pain prevented me from making the slightest movement, not to mention the light that pierced my eyes blinding me.
I then put it back under the covers up over tirandomele ears, while the head continued to throb incessantly.
I tried to think what I said or did in the time when I would see, because I would see because now Michelle and Gian seemed to have made peace, but came to no conclusion, because in retrospect it seemed be gone. I was not too sure I have made that gesture, I seem to remember a dream on the verge of disappearing in the cemetery of my memory. I opened my eyes only when the clock ticked past noon.
"Good morning princess how are we going today? "Michelle asked me more beautiful than ever
" Buongiorno a tube ... I think I have put my head under a bell and then have beaten strong non-stop for two days, "I said ruffling his hair.
"Ah .. that the first pretty drunk .. When you look back 10 years and you riderai fool itself "
grunted something that he wanted to be a 'do not think so' and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I thought I had swallowed a pound of sand and cement, and I have a stinking breath after all the trips to the bathroom that night.
"Go away, is not well! "Michelle felt the other room just as I was leaving the bathroom in a comatose state, without having time to not see me.
still wearing his pajamas smelly, and looks worthy of the wicked witch from Snow White I saw the perfect face Will assume a strange expression.
"What happened?" Distressed
asked "Do you .. I brought the notes today, I saw that you were not in the classroom, "said looking at me ... and I was hoping - Michelle you can remove the balls and let me in so I talk a second? "he added, speaking rudely to my friend.
nodded imperceptibly, when she looked at me, so he opened the door and went out leaving the door Will not pulled him before his shoulder.
"Can I?" He asked gesturing to enter the room.
stretched out his arm, making him sit, I had to be a monster, disheveled, still wearing his pajamas and a smell of gastric juices to a mile away.
"But you were wrong?" I asked as soon as you shut the door behind
"Eh .. I do not see the face? I must have drunk too much beer, and just say the name again I feel sick "I said putting a hand to the stomach
" Ah, ah, oh no I'm sorry. I thought I had not come to .. you know .. is not it? "
I looked dazed and then I had the brilliant idea.
"I do not understand what you're talking about .. among others do not even remember when you're gone .. My mind a bit 'confused the last hour of review, "I said scratching his head
We would have thought? We would have fallen?
"Oh .. - Said almost disappointed - well I brought the notes today, Layton seemed strange in your absence, and was even more when its a question posed to the class I said "I laughed
sincere" Well maybe for the next revision to avoid alcohol so I also remember something, "I said taking the notes from his hand.
"Ok .. ehm .. I'm going. See you around, "he said to quit doing.
I began to watch the clipboard and I was really sure he was gone when I saw his shadow in front of me and I raised my head with anxiety strange painted on his face.
It was those who had supported his lips to mine? Was he really the guy who was kissing me a bit 'awkward brushing his cheek? His hands were going to stroke the hair?
His breath .. her breath on my skin and her lips lingered on mine. Almost too scared to dare.
broke away after a while, as I cursed for not having returned the kiss, despite the fear of having a bad smell, but when its nose touched mine, came back to me more greedy this time. He opened
lips slightly and I imitated following its contours. He squeezed my waist and I approached him, while the notes ended up scattered on the floor completely. To hell with biology.
I could feel that her piercing that had fascinated me so much in the weeks before the first grazed his lips, and then lean on the side, felt his tongue intertwined with mine, and his heart beat strongly against my chest ready to go out, so was my agitation.
I did not feel even the arms, and I could have remained motionless like a cod, when gently kissed me again, going back to be more chaste.
A kiss. Another. Light, always lighter, and then finish.
I stared at him with eyes demanding an explanation that never came. He ran a hand through his hair, almost embarrassed, I just looked up one side of those lips for her fantastic smile and then turned out. Leaving me there like a codfish.
had really happened? I ran a finger lightly on the lips, where seconds before there had been hers, and I could still feel his saliva. It was
really happened. William Peer I kissed her.
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