thank you so much more in
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"Where the hell were you into?" I asked Michelle taking me by the wrist and making me jump from land.
I. .. I uh ... "
picked up the book bears the same face, so that the covering of the whole, so that caught me right away. "I went to pick up this book."
"The ancient art of putting his nose?! Well you've launched the most audacious readings tonight ... "she said raising an eyebrow and lifting one side of the lips.
blushed to the tips of the hair, but I did not even have time to think that my friend looked at me again and winked. "You have lipstick smeared all over," she said, laughing, and passing a finger on his chin to take off the plaster.
I laughed to myself, trying not to get noticed and put my book on a table. I would certainly not made to see you around with that stupid little Volume under his arm.
"Oh well ... you two foxes - he shouted and then - with this book of boogers and chin covered with lipstick, she gets so handsome with his hair disheveled looking at the ceiling .. but for whom I have taken? If you let them do things right! "Ruled almost offended crossing his arms to his chest puffing.
I heard Will burst out laughing, infecting both me and my friend. "The book of boogers? I can not believe, "said rigirandoselo and then taking it in her hands. "Callie .. You could at least see what it was before going out, "he added ridandomelo.
looked good and I'll take my time and crossed his arms. "It 's so much that has not already picked up the reissue of the Kama Sutra" muttered
"You know what?" Will asked me wink wink
"Sure," said offensive
from the bottom the room is an unfortunate Gian waving, trying to make his way through the crowd with three glasses in hand, followed by a girl in nothing short of amazing.
I was probably with my mouth open for too long, because I felt his tongue dry.
A cascade of red hair framed the face, making it an almost ethereal vision. I crumbled the knees in a moment .. all paled before that perfection, men, women, young and old. And I as always, was dying and slowly sank into nothingness.
"Hello sista" Will the girl greeted by imitating the dialect of the Bronx.
It was thus that his sister?
"Hello Alexandra, she is Callie the famous "Michelle the friendly greeting, as if it were possible to feel at ease beside her.
He looked at me like I'm his biggest childhood friend, then smiled slightly and his face lit up, making me stay enchanted. "Finally, you know - she said to me - here are the weeks that all I talk about this mysterious Callie, I was curious ... a lot."
His voice was like the song of the robin in the spring. If I closed my eyes I imagined I would type the Snow White sitting in the middle of nature to speak with all the animals of the forest; rabbits, birds, deer .. all charmed by her beauty, and great intonation in singing stupid songs.
He approached me and placed a light kiss on the cheek in a shocker. "Have you heard of me?" I asked incredulously. Why would they talk about me? And who above all.
You smirk and turned to his brother staring at him. "Oops .. did not know? "he asked making a small tongue.
"Come on, Alexandra do not embarrass me "so he said putting a hand behind his neck and massaging.
No one uttered another word. I closed my shell in between the stunned and intimidated, that Will looked away avoiding any contact with anyone, Gian and Michael, had moved slightly and they were kissing in a corner and rolls his eyes before she made up me, then the brother, thinking of something. She was the one to break the silence.
"So Callie, how's it going to college?
" Well .. well I think .. are not too expansive a reality. " I said back then staying out of arguments.
After a few moments, past utter embarrassment, I do not know how I managed to let go. I discovered that Alexandra had the same age as Will, but he graduated early, and without having to repeat an infinite number of times the examination of biology was already living on her own and was engaged to a super guy named Mark.
no longer even looked like I could keep the speeches and talk for the whole minutes without succumbing to the usual shyness that made me host.
I was able to discover other sides of Will, who were totally unknown to me. For example, at the age of 8 years, stealing the dolls with her sister, and gave him the fire in the garden, each time threatening to burn down the house, and blowin 'parents, or that he had peed on him until the age of 10 years. Or that during adolescence, put the pillows in her bed at night and ran away from home to go out with girls ..
Small talk, often amusing, funny anecdotes, which led us to shoot the 3 in the morning, as gently as the campus emptied, the guests return to their dormitories, and residents were spinning in their rooms, some drunk, who did, who both ..
We spent the evening talking on an uncomfortable couch, and suddenly Will was sitting next to me, and Michelle and a companion were gone to do something, somewhere .
It seemed to me that during those hours, Will had tried a certain type of contact. I had touched her back a couple of times, what I was sure, because the usual excitement had begun to bounce back from neck to the sacrum intermittently, and then simple gestures, little touches that no one had I noticed if you do not.
shaking hands, and I had a knee or gently rested a hand on my shoulder. And every touch was a thrill. Each wanted to touch him. Every touch I wanted to join hands and run away with him on a deserted island.
"Well, I will go home, I'd say it's late - he began Alexandra when she saw me yawning for the hundredth time - it was really a pleasure to meet Callie. I hope we shall meet again, "he said looking at his brother as a response that looked toward the ceiling. "Do not bother I know the way," he added with a wink Will leaving it alone.
"It 's nice," I said when I saw the most
"I did not wet the bed up to 10 years," said defending himself making me laugh.
stay there sitting with him to say crap made me laugh and feel good. It made me feel alive. I wanted to shake him and rest his head on his chest, maybe stay there until the end of my days, and as if he had read my mind took me by the arm and I walked over to him giving me a kiss on the nose. Awkwardly
I tried to fit into that his embrace, perhaps in an uncomfortable, but I did not care.
just raised my face towards him and found his lips ready to wait. Sweet, warm, soft kidnapped me from a world that no longer made sense without him. First
a chaste kiss, just mentioned, repeated endlessly, then a slight transformation. His hands clasped me to him, without giving me the opportunity to move. I realized at that moment because he did not want me to stop for a kiss on the couch.
He took a deep breath, and as had happened a few hours before the library to an inch from my face causing other whispered, shivering. 'It's better if you carry in your room. "
blushing smiled, conscious of the fact that while emotion as I was, I made love with him on that couch that night. "Ok," whispered finally trying to bring my heart to a normal rhythm.
But when I got terribly angry eyes staring at me from across the room.
Helena was there and certainly had attended all our effusions.
"Ok I just feel this is the" getting yelled at an inch from my face, leaving William with his mouth open.
I felt his hand on my arm and bring me back a few steps between me and you parried her while I watched the scene from peering over the shoulder of my perfect man, the incredible kiss.
"Leave her alone Helena, what do you want?" He asked gruffly
She looked at him like he was talking to an alien. He tried sob something, he wanted to pretend cry for softened, but resulted in the opposite reaction.
Without ever raising her voice replied in kind, leaving me speechless. "You and I together we will not ever, just because a child were playing with my sister, does not mean that I am interested in you. And let alone the people, not the first time you feel annoyed. "
I was defending? The man for whom I had completely lost my mind I was defending?
"You told me we were going to drink something a night," she crooned the nervous making me go.
"Yes, for you to stop harass"
"But what's so special about that, it is ugly, is a nerd, and if the shit anyone. I am here that I love from the first day I saw you, and you go by yourself? "
" I'm here, eh? "I told her from behind William's shoulder, pointing. In response I received
look even more bad.
"Hello" then took it around making me strength that I had to defend Will.
I got a slap in the face, while Will takes her hands and walked away from me. William had chosen me, despite the clear physical difference ...
And he defended me smile to myself .. for she had been a battle, and it was almost convinced to win. I had not ever put into play. I knew I lost a priori. Instead
without my being aware I had won. And the prize that I only wanted to win.
So I touched his arm when he turned and smiled at me from the depths of my heart. "Forget it" barely whispered "Let's go."
"You Callie're all mad .. - He said when we were away from the madding put his arm around her shoulders - Did it hurt? "
believe I shook my head.
Perhaps I had only felt secure, perhaps more than I wanted to prove something to myself that maybe I had struggled to others ... even I, in my opinion, to William, the beautiful and fantastic blond who was accompanying me very nicely in the room, it is a fact that now I was finally happy.
was two months, two long months, during which we had not spoken, and now, it seemed that everything was gone.
Actually I did not understand what he blathered a few hours before the library. But I had said that we had not understood, and to me that was enough.
I believed him.
When I arrived at the door I turned my back leaning against the wall as he passed me approaching her index finger copying my profile. "I was already crazy about you this afternoon," he whispered kissing me just the tip of the nose.
"Q.. That afternoon?" I asked completely stunned
smiled, showing his perfect teeth. "As I told you that it does not help me ... I was not referring to biology"
"E.. What do you mean sorry? "I asked, dazed
" In those darn beautiful that your eyes were still staring at me and made me forget everything "
blushed again and sank his face, going to hide in the crook of his neck. "And you could not tell me your pardon?"
laughed and leaned her cheek on my hair, without saying more. I lifted her face and kissed him on the lips without saying anything but "Good night", then I dileguai and closed the door behind me with her heart still beating with excitement.
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