Monday, September 10, 2007

Hiv Maculopapular Rash

caipiroska09 @ 2007-09-10T19:47:00

Last night I went with her mother to see Sicko. I must say very nice, very nice. Michael Moore does not disappoint.
And this morning the fateful first day of school, "the one" that everyone fears, asd.
None of that, a way to start the first light on Monday morning was to put two hours of math, two Italian and one French, my mother, I must say. Mathematics
then that puts us there to do the exercises, the first day and that gives us fifty gender breakdowns for Friday.
That year his time is also nice, because we see it on Monday, and then until Friday, hello go fuck yourself: D
We met the new Italian, anything that I hope it is better to WMO and 'shit' that we had last year, that so oh well, it takes a little.
Then I already know that the French will now appear and disappear in a short time, as from time to time ago. What a woman: D
In class we are the usual people, some of unbearable, I was missing someone, somebody is gone and only three were type males. What then if they go like last year certainly is halved.
Oh well everything is over, goodbye, or people


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