Thursday, September 6, 2007

Is Sending A Thank You Interview Email Too Late

caipiroska09 @ 2007-09-07T08:17:00

And minisunto of these wonderful holidays there is more.
three days will be over and the desire to go back to school there, there's no willingness to return to school, but we will succeed. And we'll see how it goes.

June: the month most obvious of all. Passed in Termoli, with whole mornings and afternoons by the sea around to fuck. Month in which for the first time I went to Inter Club (E 'important, ed.) Month of paintings, incazzature for the aforementioned, be out of the celebrations for the debt-free. Month a bit 'fucking short, neither merits nor without flaws.
July: first half went to the sea, the second half, from 22 onwards, in San Francisco. The holiday just perfect, with almost all perfect traveling companions. XDD joke with the fish, with the route of travel to the park of redwoods, with pictures of everything and everyone. With the laps around the city, they lose the train or bus, or the mistakes and find themselves thrown those across town without knowing a shit XD. With family who tried to make pizza, pizza with pineapple on top of, and to see South Park on their television. Perfect.
With the Arctic Monkeys are all there:

Fake Tales of San Fransisco Echo through the air

And there's a Few bored faces in the back
All Wishing They Were not There

And as the
microphone squeaks A young girl's telephone beeps Yeah she's
dashing for the exit
And she's running to the streets outside
"Oh you've saved me, "she screams down the line
The Band Were
And I'm not fucking wank Having a nice time"

August: On vacation until you are. Back home, the aftermath of jet lag. Last month's holiday, the first week or two, without Dad. My mother and I on a special mission at the Chinese restaurant xD. It starts to study, unfortunately, and you discover that you do not remember anything. Then the meeting with Gaia , 29. The girl with the beautiful shirt, asd. All day from around the dilemma of suitcase 392930792 things in and it turns out to be quite similar, although eventually they also knew the walls.

Boh, I do not know how much I still want to post this.
Monday starts the usual routine.
And at least two pieces of good news I've had, hopefully good everything else.


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