Title: A true story
Fandom: RPF historical
Character / Couple: Wild Staufen, Federico II da Romano Ezzelino
Rating: R
Word Count: ~ 2000
Warnings: Sex with minors from our point of view, but it's not my fault if they got married at thirteen .
Notes: written for the F3U.CKS Fest of
It 's also a story because it is a very rough week and I completed the last fire. Maybe soon I will give him a burr.
Summary: to thirteen years of Staufen Wild believe they have a pretty good idea of what the future holds, and is ready to face it. But the reason of state is proving an unexpectedly difficult to get around.
Wild Staufen waiting without giving the father to see her excitement. It 'not long from Puglia, committed to the North against the Lombard League, which for years has its thorn in the side, but - Wild knows because his father believes it is right to instruct them in this too - the Empire has found an ally in the Ghibellines of Marca, the fearsome warlords led by Ezzelino flagellum.
Finally, Federico enters the tan that makes her hair look more blonde. Even those of Savage are clear, but unlike his father burned his skin to the sun of the south.
The girl bows, under the watchful eye of Pantaleo, her maid of honor. "Welcome back, Father."
"Wild, my light, let me look," says Federico taking her face in her hands of her daughter. "I left and I've found you girl girl. "
Pantaleo inflate the chest with a pride that makes it seem like she is the object of praise." Majesty, your daughter has had its first rules two months ago, "communicates. Fred throws the woman a look that Wild is hard to decipher. It 's like for a moment his father had disappeared and was left alone the emperor.
"Well, we only comment on him." Come, Wild, I brought you presents. We must celebrate. "
* 's view of some that Fred is so attached to his illegitimate children to make up for the disappointment that had given Henry his heir apparent who had betrayed him in alliance with the Lombards. Others claim that have legislated in favor of the right of inheritance for women also to be able one day to give his beloved daughter a feud.
Wild, from the bottom of his thirteen years, we hope. He spent his life watching his father make the administration of its power work of art. Federico II, grooming is a mission, and the Wild can not help but want to imitate, at least a little '. Of course, he knows that his destiny is to marry, but in his dreams more self-indulgent you see a lady of the castles of the father, a husband came from far away to marry her, and not the other way. Unlawful or not, she is the daughter of Frederick, and his veins runs the blood of Hohenstaufen, a race of emperors and kings.
So when her father summons her to his study, saying that needs to communicate something important, deeply hope the Wild is about to entrust some responsibility, the first step towards adulthood and the metamorphosis from girl to woman.
"Sit down, Wild" Federico says pointing to a carved wooden chair. "One thing I must tell you, and you're the first to know."
Wild furrows his eyebrows just blondes, seeing the look serious man. "I hear you, father. Is there something wrong?"
Fred hesitates only a moment. "No. No, it's really good news that I must give my life. You will marry next May. "
The phrase takes a little 'to settle in the mind of the Wild. He has a definitive taste, which admits of no objection. She nods.
" Do not ask me who? "said Fred, raising his eyebrows.
Wild biting her lip. The truth is that not really matter: there are dozens of vassals around the kingdom that Frederick may want to reward you with a dukedom and his daughter's hand. "Who is it?"
Ezzelino Romano, "says Frederick, dry place.
" flagellum. "The words come from his lips in a whisper, without being aware of the Wild. Frederick continues
Ezzelino is my most valuable ally the north, Wild, and you know it. It 's a great honor that I may experience your hand - and vice versa, I would like you to understand that going to do something very important to me, for you and for the empire. "
A Wild turns a little' the head. Ezzelino never abandon the brand, she will have to pass through Italy and to leave these lands, the lands of his father, for the rest of his life.
Maybe Fred notices the disturbance of her daughter, because it makes the rounds of the table and goes to get his hands in hers.
"I know Ezzelino has a reputation that may intimidate, but it is a sober and honest man. He has a storyteller, "he adds, as if this changes everything" I'm sure you'll love. Rubarglielo I wanted, except that I was afraid to anger him, "said, winking. Wild tries to make a weak smile.
" Will you come? "He says, and his voice is more than ever that of a child . Federico kisses her forehead.
"I would say that I hope not, because the war is always to take me away from here, my darling. But as soon as you give a healthy male heir to Ezzelino, or maybe even two, he can not deny you to travel to come to visit your old father. "
" And I'll stop a bit, '"she says, anxious to believe him.
The two embrace, while in the fireplace crackling fire.
It 'been a tiring journey, first by boat along the Adriatic coast, then to the back of a mule through the Venetian plain. Wild Pantaleo has with him and a few other people who came from the court of Frederick Pugliese. Little by little, apart from the maid of honor, will return all back, while she will remain there.
Ezzelino the bride wearing the armor.
have barely exchanged a few words for the occasion since she arrived a few days before. A man loyal and sober. Frederick had not lied when he described in these terms, had only failed to Ezzelino that this meant that there was only the war. At the wedding banquet, he has relationships only with his generals. Wild wonders whether it is better that way, or have a husband who continually bothers the need as he had seen the Duke Alberico at the court of his father, his wife, who sported this indifference. Decides that all things considered, would prefer an unfaithful husband in a cruel, after all, she herself was born of adultery.
Ezzelino The only time they seem human when you call the storyteller Oberto from Bassano, the faint promise with which his father had led it to swallow the bitter pill. Wild understands half of what Oberto says, in his dialect, which is so distant from the sounds used, but the listener Ezzelino kidnapped, asking questions, almost with the naivete of a child. All the board hanging from his lips as if it of Oberto Christ that makes the Sermon on the Mount, even though he is only telling a story about a pastor was stuck with a flock of sheep that did not want to cross a bridge.
Wild sips wine racks and hair nervously, ignoring the disapproving glances of Pantaleo. For years, is preparing for this moment and what will come next, but also feels the grip of fear climbing them in the stomach. It focuses on the expression of rapt Ezzelino, thinks Fred is not so different when it calls its philosophers and poets to his court to quibble, not to mention the singers of Provence. Maybe be able to find a connection with her husband, and be able to see these plains as a place hospitable rather than as a kind of green in the desert which is destined to be lost, alone in the midst of people.
* 's almost completely drunk and has a mild headache when you get to feel the pulse. E 'Ezzelino, with his grim face, telling her: "Wife, it's time to go."
Wild nods, stupid, and is led by her husband through two rows of people who bows as they pass and run timid encouragement. Apparently Ezzelino has said that all the affectations of his first marriage had enough. She seems to see with one eye Pantaleo, but not sure it is dark and the candlelight is getting weak.
are alone in front of the bed. "Don't ... .. should be a priest to bless the bed?" she says, mumbling a bit 'words. Ezzelino snorts.
"You think you have been conceived on a bed blessed?" he says, dry. Wild swallows. An honest man, sober, and made of iron and stone .
"I have to pee," she says, and Ezzelino merely indicates the chamber pot. She moves so as to be partially covered by the bed while he begins to undress. If embarrasses empty the bladder in front of her husband, as he will face what is going to happen? It pushes the container under the bed and starts his time to untie the laces of his tunic, his hands stiff from tension. It 's the end of May and is warm enough, so Ezzelino, already naked, goes to open the window. While he gives away, Wild just relaxes.
"You give me a son", he tells him point blank. Wild nods stiffly, even though he can not see. Sa Ezzelino that has already been married and does not have heirs. Maybe if I stay pregnant will soften. Perhaps it is because his first wife was disappointed , he thinks.
He leans in again and up quickly but not too much help to get rid of the last clothing. Despite the warm air, is the goose bumps when lies supine on the bed. Ezzelino is on the edge of her vision and she discovers she does not want to look at what he's doing, but then he is in bed, a dark shape that covers the little light that filters through the window.
"Then you understand?" he says, gripping a small breast in calloused hand. It does not hurt but it is not pleasant. "Give me an heir. An heir of the Hohenstaufen in the blood and uses the sword as a Ezzelino."
Wild nods again prior to the rude and hasty kiss that gives Ezzelino, and feel something press against sex. He knows what must happen, but also the urge to break free and escape.
And in a moment, it's too late. Invasion handle the sudden breath, and each thrust is marked his pants, my teeth clenched to keep from crying, and the noise of wet blood. More goes on, the more bearable. But hopefully the same will be done soon.
When is eventually satisfied, Ezzelino breaks away from her and gets out of bed, began to take the best they could.
"My lord," she says, still panting, "we should not spend the first night,"
"No" to stop him. "It 's a tradition that only serves to make what we've done. I hate to sleep with someone else, I fall asleep only if there is none."
Savage does not know whether to feel relieved or disappointed. "I understand," he says. "Do not disturb. "
" Then we will agree, "says Ezzelino, and this takes leave from her.
Wild remains for a few minutes staring at the ceiling, empty, exhausted. It 's almost without notice that the tears start fill my eyes, and then thinks of his old house, the sun that made her strip to the nose, the smile of his father, who knew full well that the man was giving her in marriage. It is that sense of betrayal, even more of ' harshness of Ezzelino to hurt the heart. sobs and moans, until sleep does not take it.
makes his breakfast from the brand with the ubiquitous Ms. Pantaleo. "Then," asks the Woman quietly, "I knew the first night is successful." It seems that Savage has bled more than normal, and she does not know how to say, after all, is not something that can be tested first.
She tilts her head sideways. The long blond braids make her appear a little girl, that morning, putting on, she looked long at the mirror to see if there was any difference than before. And that is exactly the same person, at least from the outside.
"I will give an heir to Ezzelino" he says, "if not now, soon. And what will make me his wife and the mother of the lords of the Marches." While he says it out loud, it seems more real. Maybe you can get used to. Perhaps you can have a life outside of the empty promises of his father.
"Bring Oberto," he says. "I want to hear a true story."
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