Title: A friend
Fandom: Lost
Character / Couple: Claire / MiB
Rating: PG13
Word Count : ~ 1500
Warning: spoiler to 6x10
Notes: written for the F3U.CKS Fest of
Summary: One possible account of the life of Claire on the island, since he disappeared into the jungle during the fourth season with the return of O6.
It is safe to sleep alone
In a place no one knows
And to seek life under stones In a place water flows
It is best to find in sleep The missing pieces
Best That You Lost That you refuse to weep Ash
to ash, dust to dust.
Marianne Faithfull - Sleep
(History) In the future, when these days will become remote as the material of which legends are made, Claire knows that any mother will tell his story to his daughter: that's what happens to girls who are lost in the woods.
(Appearance) He had never thought how could the missing father - had seen too little - but when Christian Shephard appears in the light of the bonfire, as a loving grandfather cradling Aaron, Claire realizes how deeply arrivals his nostalgia.
(Nostalgia) (Nostalgia, namely: the pain of an old wound.)
(step) Follow in the footsteps of Christian, then, rather than a conscious choice is an instinctive impulse, and Claire goes into the jungle beside him, anxious not to stand back, will not miss a moment with his father .
(Race) He asks where is Aaron, and he says, will be safe, because it is the last of our race.
(Lantern) Where is the lantern with which Christian is illuminating their path through the jungle, Claire does not know and did not want to know, because he believes that if we think too will wake up from this dream, and not wants, not yet, although the darkness around you are the most dark I've ever seen.
(Garden) In the hut, Christian says, this is our home, our garden and the island.
(Face) But when the long night ends, Claire sees him, sees his true face, does not know how he did, it was like suddenly remembered something very distant and removed.
(Spirit) You are a spirit, she says, no, I'm just a friend, replied the man in black.
(cheek) She asks where is Aaron with a brazenness that seems just after the ill-timed, because there is something about him that commands respect, or fear, or perhaps both.
(Thought) He seems to read minds, because it says, do not worry, yours is a legitimate question, and I am sorry to have to give you this bad news -
(Heat) The warmth of the tears burn my cheeks in the cold light of dawn, and when he opens his eyes, there are neither the man nor the hut.
(Earth) Only motionless indifference of the earth continues to live under his feet.
(Time) Claire does not know how much time passes before she rises from that point through the leaves; certainly pass on the day, and you seem the seasons, and does not care even if the nose bleeds and head aches and the sky seems to open up on her.
(Twilight) Eventually, when twilight is the man in black returns to her, finding no tears and with his mouth smeared with earth.
(Tocco) The light touch, he says there is no sense that you let yourself die, Aaron needs you alive, and I also need you, because you're my only friend.
(Lips) Claire feels a bottle full of cold water rest on her lips, and drank eagerly, for a reflection of animal, the glimmer of hope that the unnamed man was able to instill.
(Return) She opens her bleary eyes and stares at him, feverish: So if you're my friend help me get back to Aaron?
(Advocate) blue eyes they look benign when the man says, unfortunately, is something you have to do alone, but how can I help your search.
(Languor) Claire's weakness becomes weariness, and supports the front of the man's shoulder, which he caresses her back in small circles, like a father or a lover, and tells her that everything will be fine and must rely him, always.
(Grass) Then again alone in the grass, but when it raises the fear is gone, replaced by a grim determination.
(Singing) For days, weeks, the only sound you hear is the singing of the rare birds that inhabit the island, is unaccustomed to the words so much that sometimes it seems they call his name.
(Silence) But above all, the jungle has long silences, in which the items in the mind of Claire become louder, the cries of his memories.
(Youth) (And it's hard sometimes not to think that her youth is gone forever when he set foot on that plane, and at the same time, that will never end, because more months pass , the more you hear talking and thinking like a child.)
(Preda) Guns Rousseau's work well and is happy to have found, because they finally can chase the wild boar that periodically ravaged the camp, and skinned his prey without anybody ever taught how to do, and wonders what happened to her friend.
(Pride) appears when the boar is already cut into pieces and put to roast on the campfire, Claire can not help but feel a touch of pride when he is pleased with the good hunting.
(Wine) "I do not know if you normally drink, I brought a bottle," says the man in black, pulling out a bottle of wine on the night, the sky is dark almost as if it were not that is reflected when the fire takes on the color of blood.
(Nettare) "E' buono", dice Claire assaggiandone un sorso; il nettare degli dei, precisa lui.
(Flushing) Another sip from the fire and flames reddened the cheeks and warm inside - it is never cold on the island, but Claire realizes that she is as if it were, and launches a glance sideways at his friend, wondering if more accounts have the fire or get near him.
(Eros) spite of everything - in spite of the Spartan life he does, the thought of Aaron, the obsession with the others who hide it somewhere in this purgatory - Claire, sated with meat, feel a kind of hunger that thought he had left behind.
(intoxicated) intoxicated by alcohol, finds the courage to lay his hand on that of his friend, says, stays here today.
(Dita) him once his hand palm-up in order to close on his fingers, clutching the plan.
(Link) "You do not need you to do to keep me here," he says, "we both have a connection, and do not want you to do anything you do not want."
(Border) Claire hesitates just a bit, 'but then crossed that line, kissing the man of whom he does not know the name but that makes her feel at home.
(favorite) After the first time, the friend appears more often, and sometimes even if you only see for a few minutes, that's not the moment of the day that Claire likes.
(engraving) you like least when left alone for long days, hours, then records the name of Aaron on the cradle that's prepared to spend time and try to remember the face.
(Candor) takes care of her doll rags and bones with absolute candor, and those are the times when the man in black merely looking at it from a tree on which sits a little further, with an enigmatic smile tanned face.
(Orme) Claire is alone when he finds in the footsteps of one of the Others, unable to believe his luck, and runs back to take the gun with feverish enthusiasm.
(Fury) When located, to fill the bottle, keep yelling at him at gunpoint to tell her where her baby immediately, but the third refused his anger gets the better and Claire pulls the trigger, and after, proves nothing if not a uniformative discomfort, because he deserved it, yes.
(Victory) Only later, while sleeping alone, she realizes that it is a Pyrrhic victory, that the Others do not forgive for having killed one of them.
(War) "You started a war," he tells his friend in the morning later, from his seat near the fireplace off.
(Rite) you perform mechanical gestures, almost ritual: shiny gun, sharpening the ax, he removes the dead leaves that accumulate at the cradle of Aaron (never think to wash, after the man in black not seem to matter).
(hint) One day, Claire has the sudden feeling that things are about to change, perhaps because his friend is missing for too long, and the jungle became quiet, as if to stop them breathing.
(counterpoint) For the last time, the sky turns white, and shortly after his friend arrives, she recognizes him immediately, even if it has the appearance of John Locke.
(movements) (after all, Locke was his first friend on the island, the one who had helped to build the first crib for the first Aaron, and therefore do not mind that the man in black now we has inherited the face, the name of the movements)
(Possession) "Soon you will take back what is yours", he reassures her, kissing her hair dirty, "very, very soon."
(Death) Claire asks why he has taken the form of Locke, and he answers: because Locke was mortal, and her sense, and closes his eyes.
(Treason) (it's hard not to think of being betrayed, when Kate tells her to have her Aaron, would like to think that she is lying, do not have to accept that his old friend is a thief, and especially that he is a liar, because he has never lied, never)
(Fate) "But of course you can stay here with me is the fate that brought us together on this damn island, I, you and John Locke."
(Wound) (at the end, there is only darkness - the darkness, and the pain of an old wound.)
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