Day to all! I tried to update last night, to make you find the chapter this morning looking beautiful, but LJ decided that it was too long to even post a single photo
O_o I was up until 2:30 but there was nothing to do .. . divides it into two before the restart to make me jokes ....
sorry for the "most months" on the run, but do not know why I was always a mess of stuff to do ... And despite
April 21 for me is always ugly and painful day for years now, I wanted to go out to commit a bit 'of a situation stalled.
I love you guys ... you are one of my smiles everyday. I swear.
always thank
The boy was prepared in 20 minutes before the phone rings, where a Faith laggard, it warned that it would be seen at the home of Pam.
When his mother had seen him down the stairs had begun to laugh in his face, then wiping wet hands on her apron.
"What are you laughing?" He had muttered running a hand through his hair that still had to be accommodated.
"You let the little man in the shirt?"
He had looked for air, knowing that looked ridiculous with the little man in the shirt ..
"You are old, mother - had told him, smiling and joking - not know to this day all the wolves are so muscular with two backs?" She
laughed again and then had placed a kiss on the cheek.
"You're funny, but otherwise you would not be yourself .. Go and have fun. "
After that little affectation that could not always be in his house, he began to call Rachel a loud voice, but even the shadow of Rachel.
"It 's already left," Callie told him from the kitchen while preparing food.
had entered the home of Pam and at times did not recognize. The fake spider webs, the patches of fake blood (which who knows how long it would take to clean them), and pumpkins scattered here and really expressed the full meaning of that party.
Below a certain point of view, glad to be dressed.
He looked around in search of living souls, perhaps he had arrived too early, and the butler who had opened the door, had vanished, probably ready to serve the culinary-themed party of witches. "
"Yuhua" he yelled getting a chuckle as a response that came after him. In turn if it was found smiling with hands on hips staring at him.
"What a beautiful dress Dany .. You destroyed the clothes you had when you were little? "
" Damn .. we understand so well?! I had really no idea what to wear! "
And then he had inspected. That skirt so short that it left nothing to the imagination, and the sinuous legs, barely covered by the stockings.
A dress that clung to the body, emphasizing the curves ...
And on the head with a hood on a red cloak, making it the most beautiful little red riding hood, never seen in circulation. From that moment, when he thought back to the fable, Little Red Riding Hood, he would not have seemed more the sweet and helpless girl stoned that does not recognize his grandmother from a wolf, but a heady and sexy girl covered in tattoos, with a breathtaking body.
had approached and gave her a little kiss on the cheek and then look again, but she had been to find the word to break that awkward silence.
"Tell the truth! Your sister has told you that I would have dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, and you wanted to be a wolf, "he said wink wink. Totally embarrassed
had taken a hand behind his head and smiled.
"No, I swear I did not know anything. But even if on purpose, I would find a more appropriate dress. Now everyone will say that we agreed. "
She had laughed and had been watching him for a few seconds, then took him by the arm and headed to the couch to sit on.
"But Faith does not come?" He then asked after the session.
"Um, actually I said it was super late, has come late to work, is on his own." And then he had settled near her.
Those emotions that had tried months before to the beach had not weakened, but was happy to be able to forge a good relationship with the girl.
The fact that he was enchanted by the sight of her turned into a totally sexy red riding hood made him forget for a moment the question 'Rachel'
"But my sister is here?"
She 's he looked dazed, and had angry eyebrows.
"I do not know where Rachel? Not like you Dany Josef had then said returning relax, smile for the simple fact that she knew where Rachel was at that time.
"Ok, your expression makes me think that you know exactly where it is hunted. So now I will start to ask, if you tell a lie trying to be credible ... are you ready? "
" Ready boss
"Well, where is my sister?" His face was
serious and inscrutable. "I do not know," he said convinced then burst out laughing also plaguing him.
He had pulled a small pinch on the arm, and she had tried to stop the hand of a laugh, but contact with his skin, both were silenced and had been staring with a stupid smile on his face.
All those sparks they had heard both? The desire not to pull those hands, which had come into contact by accident and for fun, try it both?
After a few seconds that seemed hours, Sienna had withdrawn her hands, and was put back in his seat, then looked back gravely. "It had to do something, he will be here soon, do not be afraid," he said getting up and then looking away a desperate Pam pulled out of the quell'imbarazzo that had been created.
Dany, in the meantime had been there to watch her as she walked away and disappeared behind a door.
He had got up, had not yet realized that he had entered after being greeted his other friends, who were probably arranging the last things that concerned the party.
It thus tended to search for his friend Joshua, or maybe Ted, it was not so optimistic that had already arrived, but as his mother always said, the hope was the last to die.
even if on purpose, the head of Joshua was checked and was holding a stack of CDs of various kinds of music for the evening.
"Hey, do you spend working tonight?" Danny then asked him, noting that he had not even noticed his presence.
"Hey! Yes, I stole a bit 'cd from work tonight .. - Approached him and said, patting him on the shoulder - what do you say? Classicon like Pink Floyd, or go to the music of today? "
Dany took a cd, and if it was turned over in his hands, not really thinking about the question that had been asked to tell the truth, did not even know what he was watching.
"Maybe you do a mix of two things" he had said then that putting on the stack cd he had taken.
"What do I do I'll put a bit slow for a snog 'with a pretty big mouse?"
Dany finally looked up and smiled.
"Deficient! But what are you dressed? "
" I am an officer to fly! "Joshua replied promptly settling his hat.
"You are ridiculous!"
Pam and Sienna had arrived shortly after, closing the door behind him.
Even Pam had a dress funny. He had probably look like a witch, but in style halloween, all painted in orange, hair included.
"Hello Danielito - greeted him - but where are the others?"
Dany was inevitably shrugged and looked at Sienna.
"Oh to hell with them, and my stupidity to give it a right time! Next time I tell him an hour before! "He snorted crossing his arms to his chest. "Dany you do me a favor? In the back there are cases of beer, you bring me into the kitchen? "
pulling gently on a strand had smiled and told her so.
"But they are the ones that are there?! - Had asked Sienna - I give him a hand "and then was directed to him turning to face him.
did not know what it was that lightning had crossed eyes. It almost looked like he wanted the moment to be alone with him.
had the good fortune of being able to fix that behind his red cap, so in reality, Dany was immediately convinced esserselo imagined.
He had followed slowly and had closed the door behind him down in a damp cellar. Then what I would have never expected.
He had turned toward him hesitantly, not looking at him in the eye, but it certainly had something to say.
"What happened?" Had then asked him.
Finally, Sienna, seemed to have taken courage, and looking away from the floor had returned to his eyes. He had lowered the cap, took him by the hand and stepping back was if the brought back.
him as a puppet, enchanted by his celestial vision was left to do. The burned hand in contact with his skin, and heart he began to beat wildly. He would have liked to know if she had been the same ....
Then with a slight movement, like the beating of wings, had thrown his arms and stayed there, waiting for him to do even the slightest gesture.
contact with his body caused him the chills. He did not understand immediately what was happening. He could not explain why She stood there helpless waiting for him to move.
But he was totally intoxicated remained motionless as a cod, so she had moved away after a few seconds.
's face as red as a pepper, not even dared to joke to meet her. He remained with his head down and hands on their hearts, undecided whether to escape or stay and give an explanation of quell'insano gesture.
But Dany, back down to earth was impossible.
All the screaming to let go, but every muscle in his body was still and he kept looking at her. Then he had the courage prevailed, and without saying anything he had taken for a pulse and was close to him again, holding this time. The two bodies matched perfectly. Her head was resting on his shoulder, and he her cheek in his hair breathed in deeply the scent.
Sienna's arms, had gone to put behind his back and hands were tight in a fist on his shirt, he was back at the close stronger, not knowing what to expect serious by the strange embrace. Everything seemed so perfect, that neither had the intention to move. I breathe, that first had accelerated the pace a little, had stabilized, and the embarrassment they felt that both instantaneous as it was dissolved into nothingness. Everything would have been very romantic if they were in a basement smelling of mold.
"Sorry you had twitter
" What? "
" This "he replied after a few seconds away from his body and his face back to look at being careful not to Dissolve the embrace.
"There is no need to apologize, sometimes a hug always does well in the days when you are on top of your form. "
Then he smiled. And slowly, one of those hands that seemed to be engaged in the embrace was appeared as if by magic, and touched his cheek.
The index finger, flowed slowly on those cheeks colored slightly, while their faces, as if attracted to each other as soon as they approached.
"I can not" then she whispered him in total silence.
"I know. Excuse it's my fault, "replied her away and her back to him.
instinct was to take it, running a hand around my neck and kiss her there, in the cellar. Between the mold and boxes. But his brain had taken over. Follow your heart on that occasion would have been terribly wrong.
One thing if he could still be granted. Without going beyond the limit that was placed. The had approached while she remained behind, and had embraced, then placing his face in the crook of her neck. Her perfume was at that point as if it were pure. Its fragrance is lost in his nostrils, and for a moment, his brain so composed, gave a start.
Sienna had taken her hands and she holds in her. They were intertwined, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, then, alas, he had let go, and as if he had placed a mask on his face was turned over to him smiling.
That smile could have fooled anyone, but Danny, who remained totally impassive, he looked back seriously, then finding the word.
".. I'm sorry. I'm starting now I wish I could kiss, and end only when you feel like you. But you know I can not? "
She nodded and then smiled again. For real this time.
"Do not look for excuses for your being honest. My mistake, I never had to throw me in your arms. And do not believe, I feel like shit for the rest of my life against Faith, but follow your heart was so natural ... "
Damn. He was using his own words that he had thought ... but why did it have to be so hard to say no?! Why could not be carried away and enjoy the madness up after all?
He bent down to take those cases of beer that had gone down, charging perhaps too many, she had kept the door open and had gone back upstairs in a strict silence.
He noticed immediately the court jester, with a tight jumpsuit, dressed as a skeleton, accompanied by his sister, who had just made his entrance, with the bulky yellow wings on his back.
was still embarrassed by what had happened just before, but tried not to think about it and came over to greet them.
gave a kiss to Rachel, just touched the cheek, and she returned with a warm embrace, as if they could see for days. That his behavior seemed strange, but we wanted to give weight. Surely something had happened, given his immense fortune (and it was difficult to come to the realization that the two had started something), but pretended he did nothing, he greeted his friend and began to talk about this and that with them, making fun of Ted and his very funny costume.
"You like? He painted his face your sister "had spoken indicating the mask painted on his face
" Oh, yes .. at least not so you can see his face "Danny replied sarcastically.
Then, while Rachel greeted the others, took Ted aside, for a first beer together, and told him what had just happened.
"Azz .. and why did not you kiss her stupid idiot? "she asked Ted, downing half a bottle to drop.
"Ah, this is a very intelligent question unanswered if only I had a girl who should arrive any moment!"
"And you'll understand .. for a kiss ... I never have given so many ... " replied his friend.
Danny shook his head, then focusing on beer, while Rachel and Sienna, arm in arm, they were approached.
"Have you seen Ted? Even here we do it on purpose Riding Hood and the Wolf "
Sienna was flushed in a flash, and had begun to look the other way, and Ted had burst out laughing. "I had not noticed! It is true .. If you look at that! " (the case a shit !!!!)
The other guests began to arrive, and Joshua, had thrown in console mixava songs and seemingly at random.
The fact that his job was just to make a DJ, brought all to think that they were then placed so randomly.
Dany was sitting on a couch as she drank the alcoholic brew again, and wondered where it was over Faith.
There was a worm in thinking that maybe, just a kiss could also give it to him. She was there and did not want anything more. He would take this pebble from the shoe. Probably kissing pure evil. And the stank breath. He would go badly, and would not have thought about. Since she had peeped into his life, there had been no day or night he had not thought of her, and her face.
Why? Why had not taken advantage?
a flourish of red fabric distracted him from his thoughts, and focused on her, without seeing him, he would walk right into that couch.
What would she say? What would he do?
Getting up and leaving was no question. But talking about? What on earth could I say? The most watched, most in his heart he knew that girl had everything, except the stinky breath.
Sienna looked up too late to turn back and go back to where it came. He had noticed too late, sitting on that couch totally alone.
So he just kept smiling and sat on the opposite side of that sofa.
"So you have fun?" Had asked him after a few seconds of embarrassment.
She looked at him, as if a Martian came to wonder what planet, and then came back to fix his shoes.
"Danny, please .. we do not make children of asylum "had told him
"Well then you do not feel so far away from me, I have no fever mica that you must avoid now!" Without
have it again slipped beside him, staying with his hands in his lap and carefully avoiding his gaze.
"And maybe look at me" he had added in a friendly tone, leaning his elbows on his knees to see his eyes.
"Come on, I feel embarrassed," she replied, smiling slightly and turning his head on the opposite side.
So he had faced his fears, and had laid a hand on one knee. "Please do not be with me ".
The two had watched for a few seconds. For a few seconds so that does not even seem to be true.
Still, at the time so limited, seems like a lifetime.
His fingers shook as soon as that covered by the knee socks. He wanted to snatch it, but simply to regain his breath.
was to dampen her silence, as if he had not realized that his heart had skipped a beat when in contact with his skin.
"Look, I'm really sorry. I feel guilty. I did not want. It's the fault of Joshua that made me drink to stomach empty, and half of all afternoon Ciucca "
He smiled in amusement. It was just by Joshua start drinking in the early afternoon, arriving in the evening crawling like worms.
yet that his hand remained on his knees. He had so much to say, he did not know where to start. That his touch was the only connection between the two.
Sienna just raised his eyes and stood up faster than light. Just smiled and walked away leaving him there like a codfish.
Dany returned to focus sulla massa di ragazzi, ormai completamente ubriachi che ballavano e si strusciavano l’un l’altro. Se avesse visto sua sorella lì in mezzo, giurò a sé stesso, che avrebbe fatto una strage.
La vide per caso. Faith camminava nella sua direzione e sembrava alticcia. Proprio lei che con un cioccolatino al liquore si ubriacava.
“Ehy, Dany. Dove diavolo ti eri cacciato?” gli aveva domandato raggiungendolo.
“Ero qui seduto a farmi una birra tranquillo. Tu piuttosto dov’eri finita?” le aveva detto alzandosi e posandole un bacio sulla guancia.
“Ho just finished work and are already drunk, I just can not bear it alcohol ... "
" And because you have a cocktail in hand then? "
She looked at him as if he saw only that time.
"But what the hell are you dressed?! You are ridiculous! "
I told you all that night, but that statement out of his mouth and with that polite little way, gave him no little annoyance.
"I would say that I keep it," he said taking the glass out of hand.
Faith looked at him as the worst of enemies, then snatched it from his hands and eagerly drank a sip. "It 's mine. Let me drink. I can have fun I even for one night? "
was nervous. She was angry.
"What is Faith?" Had asked him sigh, feeling ready to scream at all.
"It was soft on her knees? Maybe you wanted some romantic song in the background? "
" Oh come on. Please. We were just talking about .. I did not even know .. "
"Fuck you Danny." He concluded with his glass unsteadily walked away.
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