Title: Morning Mist
Fandom: ASoIaF
Character / Couple: Margaery / Willas (hints of Margaery / Desmera Redwyne)
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~ 2400
Warnings: Incest , dubcon, vague femslash
Notes: I have a flaw: jump on crack! Pavlovian pairing with enthusiasm, except that then I feel obliged to give reasons for * * the above, and so I write the papyrus XD E 'went well Willas that we do not know almost nothing, so I was able to bend needs of the story, while it is difficult to understand, in the canon, as Margaery was sincere and how much we're playing a part. Here I tried to find a middle ground between the inexperience date of age and a certain pragmatism, with the addition of a confused sexuality. And then I would also like coffee and ammazzacaffè, thanks.
Prompt: Song of Ice and Fire, Margaery / Willas, under the covers Italian p0rn fest @ # 3
Summary: the threshold of marriage, Margaery Tyrell realizes that he knows nothing of men . Ask Willas seemed a good idea.
below the navel in the branches a white dream
already waiting
Brother come and hold me tight and shake the leaves from the tree
Make a game with me give me your hand
and play with me
Rammstein - Spiel mit mir
"Willas?" Margaery says looking out the door of the room. It 's a morning mist High Garden, and the humidity makes the hurt leg of his elder brother, who remained in bed. Resting on the table beside him, the remains of breakfast.
"You have not eaten much," notes she met him. Willas supports the book he was reading.
"Why should I spend probably overeat when lying here all day?" He laughs.
"It makes you very ill?"
"The usual. What brings you here, sister?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were, "she says sitting on the edge of the bed. Willas looks green eyes narrowed. They are the best thing that he, a young attractive man, but not as Loras, or even what Garlan. Willas has face who seems destined to spend his life in the quiet of a castle rather than on the battlefield or in the voices of a city, and Margaery wonders what the fate you can read in his face. is about to start a life full of events and new people, or end up like Princess Grace of certain legends, consumed by boredom and loneliness in a tower?
Willas caresses her hair. "Well, thank the person concerned, but you're telling me the right one. Usually you always something to do with your friends. They are getting ready for marriage? "
" Well, that's the problem, "says Margaery blushing a bit '.
" I met Renly Baratheon when he was little more than a boy, it's true, but if so I gives so much, I think you will like. I found it really sweet, and they tell me has become a very attractive man. "
" I know, I saw all the pictures and I speak well ... On the other hand I doubt anyone here would say it hurt the High Garden, nowadays, "says Margaery, with a sudden touch of cynicism that is allowed only with the people they really trust." No, Willas, I I was wondering ... "he adds, twisting the edge of the sleeve, "you're a man, right?"
Willas laughs. "The last time I checked they were."
"You know, I ... 's so embarrassing! If you asked me would take to Garlan around until next winter. But all are explaining to me how to behave during the ceremony, and put to bed, they told me in all ways, coming out of my ears! But the truth is that I have no idea how to behave with a man. "
"In that sense, I'm sorry?" Calls Willas interlocking the fingers on his chest.
Margaery adjusts her hair nervously. "I always attended only females - except the three of you guys, of course. E ' true that I never felt the need to see anyone else, but now I'm getting married means I have to share a man with a rather important part of my life, right? "
" True. "
" And if all goes Renly as it should and will win the war, his wife will not be alone, I'll be the queen . I can not go wrong. "
" Quiet, Marge. We men are simple animals. Act like you have always behaved and you will do well. "
" If I were really that simple too, Willas, you would have already married, "says Margaery arching his eyebrows.
" Oops. "
In fact, despite the his disability, Willas had received several marriage proposals over the years. Of course, most of them were not high profile enough for the ambitions of Tyrell, but also the most eligible candidates had ended in a stalemate: Willas had always succeeded in wriggling, preferring his studies and the occasional company of some young lady, or preferably maids. Margaery suspect that, ultimately, his brother does not like a lot of the women of his own class.
"I've never kissed a boy" says Margaery, a precipice. Here, we made it. He feels blush to his ears. By the grace of the Seven Gods, the reaction does not go beyond Willas blink of an eye.
"I suppose that means you've kissed the females? "he asks.
Margaery nods, biting her lip." Yes, we ... carried out tests. "
" You and who? "
" I, Alyse, Genna, Desmera Redwyne ... "
" Ah, but. "
" We tried to turn. "Margaery can not believe be talking about this thing with his brother - one of the girls had solemnly pledged to secrecy about their experiments , but justifies itself to saying that after all is still the highest in rank among them, and if there is someone with the authority to break the covenant, that's her. Willas Now gaze is fixed on her, and not quite so easy to decipher.
"And you've just kissed," he says after a moment of silence "or other things you have done?" The hesitation of
Margaery has already been answered. The strange thing is that while she was swimming with Desmera, washing each other, leaving that one touch the other in the most intimate parts, had not felt particularly embarrassed. Only a mixture of curiosity, excitement and widespread pleasure. But now, to talk about with Willas, feels shame weigh on chest, purple cheeks. On the other hand is here just for this: to understand how to deal with this world unknown to her, the world of men when they're with a woman.
"Well," she says quietly Willas "until you lost your virginity, I think is acceptable. You did not lose, right?"
Margaery shakes his head vehemently. "No, absolutely not."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes..?" Margaery is not secure, neither of her virginity (never lost any blood, but then often goes to horse since he was small and he knows the consequences), nor to understand where I'm going with this Willas.
"I'm telling you," he tells his brother. "Come under the covers."
Margaery Now he understood, vaguely understands what is going to happen, but did not even go to the hall of the brain to oppose it. E 'uncomfortable and at the same time finds the memory of Desmera when touched by the warmth of the bathroom.
goes around the bed and pulls alongside Willas. Even though the weather outside is cool, it's hot down there.
Willas caresses her face. "Now you have fourteen years," he says. "Some things you should know them."
Margaery swallows. "It 's why I'm here."
not stop looking at her, Willas begins to lift her skirt, slowly exhausting. Margaery is to hold your breath. He knows what they're doing is wrong, but he also knows that there are too many wrong things that happen behind closed doors. Summer under the covers.
Willas's hand is now supported on the inside of his thigh, caressing the floor in small circles, each time closer to the brown curls that even a couple of years ago they began to cover the pubis. When it comes to touch her sex, the mind of Margaery back again at that time in the tub with Desmera. The girl had told her that was fine because no child would be born from what they were doing.
very slowly, Willas slides his fingers along her slit, open her mouth. He turned on his side, and his breath comes warm to touch the cheek Margaery. She did not look, keeps his eyes fixed on the blankets that covered her lap, under which one perceives the movement, but what we see is not easily supplemented by what he feels.
"Let's see if Renly Baratheon will have something to complain about," says Willas in a low voice, hoarse, which Margaery had never heard him use. It 's so when he asks the maid to stay after she finished tidying up? Or simply raise them to their skirts and take it up against the wall, as he had told Alyse, who had seen him do in Redwyne Horas?
The middle finger of Willas slips into her sex slimy, coming up to the knuckle. Margaery instinctively pushes the pelvis against the hand of his brother, looking for something that can not well defined.
"Hmm," says Willas "or did you go riding a lot, or your friends like a bit 'too much manual work."
"So what?" Margaery says, a little 'shrill. He feels hardened nipples press against the fabric of the corset.
Willas pop language. "You wanted to know something about men? Here, men like to think we have the biggest cock that their mother has ever experienced. Renly But if it is physically the same as Robert as they say, in your case could also be the reality. You'll see then will still find a little something to break. " Withdraw the finger and Margaery opens his mouth to say something.
"Do you want me to do it again?" Asks Willas floor, her face close to hers. Right now it's like a stranger. Margaery would never have imagined that his brother - the placid, seraphic Willas - Could be so . He has no word for it. It 's something that is halfway between "charming" and "disgusting" and is spreading her thighs a bit' more.
Willas kisses her while caressing her resume, the language hot and wet and makes her way between her lips, while under the sheets, the teasing with your fingers without ever penetrating. Margaery is swinging her hips in rhythm with his caresses, eager to find relief, as it does sometimes, alone, in the safety of his bed. But do feel the hand of Willas rather than one's own is another matter entirely. Feels like a taut string ready to snap at any moment.
Willas the whispers something in his ear she does not understand, and finally starts to fuck her, this time with two fingers - enough for him to move a bit 'hand because Margaery yields tumbling, with a low moan and unladylike, and distinctly heard the smile of Willas pressed against his neck. He places one last caress on her swollen clit, before showing the wet hand of his moods.
"This is you, Margaery" he says. He sucks his finger and then laying the other on the lips because she does the same. Margaery back to look into his eyes for the first time while doing it. Willas then takes her hand and this time it's his turn to slip under the covers, in that unbearable heat. He does support the palm on his erection, barely contained the lightweight fabric slings.
"I have to do it to you now?" Calls Margaery. You know it's a rhetorical question, but feels he must speak to hold on to reality. Willas makes her put her head in the hollow of his shoulder and gives her a kiss on the forehead. She did not say anything, just loose the slings and free her sex.
"Do this," he says, accompanied by his hand. "You can squeeze a bit 'more, if you want."
Margaery follow the instructions. And 'hot, hard, but covered with delicate skin. The tip was wet as wet between her legs. Study Willas stealthily. His eyes closed and mouth half open, the murmuring notes: "He also uses the other hand, Margie. Yes, there, good. Ah, Margie ... that you husband happy. "
For a moment, consider the Margaery crazy idea to climb astride Willas and put it in, understand once and for all it is. Do you feel ready to do so, in fact, the wave of pleasure just tried, seems to be the most desirable thing in the world. But despite everything, Tyrell Margaery never loses control of himself completely, and this time is no exception. It is thus confined to tighten his grip and increase the pace, much to the satisfaction of Willas , which finally fell silent and startled before Margaery feels between your fingers a particular stream of hot semen.
Look at his hands dirty liquid pearl. From under the covered the smell comes dense, intimate and family, even if not actually think I ever heard before. Taste, again, a stronger taste than his, but not altogether unpleasant.
Willas caresses her hair. "Thank you," he says. And 'as if he was going back to old self. Margaery wipes her hand on the sheets and then slowly strip out of bed, exhausted. Ask now to be preparing a bath, and he wants to do alone.
turned to look when it is already at the door.
"It 's all I need to know?" He asks.
"What?" Willas said blinking. As if it had just arrived, as if they had not seen up to a moment ago.
"All I know about how to be with a man."
For the first time today, to see something like that blow through the eyes of his brother. "No. Certainly not with Renly Baratheon."
Renly kisses the back of his hand, now that I'm alone in the sun, with the affection of a brother than a husband. "There's a thing you have to speak, my lady," he says, a smile just a little 'cracked uncertainty.
Margaery sits in front of him and smiles graciously. "Loras has already informed me."
"Oh, this raises a lot to me .... These discussions are a bit 'awkward to do."
"In a way, I'm glad my brother is involved in first person. If nothing else, we have the confidence to skip the pleasantries."
"Loras is really a value guy," he says smiling Renly with more warmth and please believe me: I say in the purest sense possible. "
Margaery smiled. Yes, I like this man. "I believe you, of course. Why is the truth. There is a reason why Loras is my favorite brother, after all."
"Even Willas and Garlan seem to me good people," he adds Renly. "I realize that we have never seen before and that this marriage is primarily political, but I'm glad imparentarmi alla tua famiglia. Margaery Tyrell."
Margaery si limita a fare un cenno di assenso e poi porta lo sguardo fuori della finestra, sulle vigne e i frutteti che ricoprono le terre fertili attorno al castello. Willas si è sempre comportato come se quel giorno non fosse mai successo nulla, ma lei non ce la fa a dimenticarlo. Ancora non riesce a venirci a patti. Da un lato, pensa che in fondo l'aveva voluto anche lei, dall'altro non può fare a meno di sentirsi manipolata. Soprattutto perché Willas aveva sempre saputo dell'omosessualità di Renly - un dettaglio che quel giorno aveva casualmente omesso, però. Margaery ha la strisciante sensazione che così Willas le abbia davvero insegnato qualcosa sul conto men, and not sure I wanted to repeat the experience anytime soon.
Not that it remove the sleep, think, and a maid knocking at the door to bring them hot tea. After all, it is always better with girls.